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- Yeoman Carr was a female Starfleet command division enlisted crew member assigned to USS Enterprise. (Star Trek: Phase II)
- Carr se puede referir a:
- Private Carr is a member of the British Royal Armed Forces
- Carr was a lieutenant in the Jourilan Army of Reform. Once a scholar and acolyte priest from a well-known family, Carr fled the "dogmatic rigidity" of his old life for a commission in the Reform Army. Young and idealistic, Carr was barely old enough to shave. He wore a rounded iron helmet, a jack of boiled leather, and a thick green winter cloak.
- Carr var en manlig Tau'ri och är medlem i USA:s Marinkår. Han följde med till Xalótcan med SG-1 och en Mariner team utklätt till Örn krigare för spela i ett profetia för kunna lokalbefolkningen. Han dog under evakueringen när han och dem andra flydde genom en tunnel. (SG1: "City of the Gods") kategori:Amerikaner kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär kategori:Mariner
- Lieutenant Carr was a veteran Mars Pol officer working in Marsdome. In 2267 she was in charge of security of the Earth Alliance Health Organization's "Plague Eradication Management Strategies Mars Conference" and coordinated with Earthforce Captain Elizabeth Lochley. She took a PPG shot in the shoulder during a shoot out with members of the Sacred Omega cult, where were intent on bombing the conference.
- Carr is a character appearing in Pokémon Adventures, who was one of the Three Beasts of Team Rocket in the Kanto region.
- Ensign Carr was a male Starfleet security officer serving aboard the USS Enterprise-E in 2381. During the Borg Invasion of 2381, Carr was aboard the Enterprise when it and the USS Aventine passed through a subspace tunnel, ending up near the Carina Arm near the meridian of the Delta and Gamma Quadrants. The vessels were boarded by Hirogen hunters, and Carr was assigned to the Bridge to protect the command crew. As the Alpha Hirogen approached, power went out aboard the Bridge, and in the darkness two flash grenades were detonated. Carr was killed by the Hirogen hunters, his throat slit. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals)
- Carr was the leader of a Washington, D.C. terrorist cell during the events of The Game.
- Mr. Carr was a technician who worked for the Anomaly Research Centre.
- Carr made his first appearance in the Icefall Cave on Four Island where he attacked Red, Blue, Bill, and Lorelei before being called back by his teammate Sird. Red in anger, asks him to tell him why all the recent events have been happening, Carr, in response, answers him with a Forretress exploding in his face, however they manage to escape before it hits. After which it is revealed that Carr and his teammates have filed an arrest warrant for Red, Blue, and Green.