| - Pallas est le lieu où se déroula le premier contact entre Xi'An et Humains. En 2530, une Compagnie humaine peu scrupuleuse tenta de terraformer Pallas III sans satisfaire à la diligence requise. Les Xi'An occupaient déjà le système et l'utilisait à des fins de recherches. La situation se résolu sans heurts, mais la rencontre annonça la couleur des relations entre les deux espèces pour les siècles à venir. Pallas rejoignit les planètes de la Ligne Perry qui retournèrent sous contrôle complet des Xi'An à la fin du règne des Messers.
- Pallas was one of the Titans in Greek mythology. Athena killed him and made the shield Aegis from his skin during the Gigantomachy, the war between the Olympians and the Gigantes. It should also be noted there are a few different accounts of the origin of the Aegis. Pallas means "brandishing weapons".
- Pallas ist ein Dorf an der Grenze zum Waldreich. Pallas wird bewohnt von Waldelfen, Menschen und einigen Zwergen. Das Dorf wurde während den Einnahmen der Grenzen des Waldreiches fast komplet zerstört. Nach dem Krieg wurde es wieder aufgebaut. Der Name Pallas kommt aus der Elfensprache und bedeutet soviel wie Dorf an der Grenze.
- right Rencontre: Monastère Faction: Les mages du Monastère Métier:Mage Catégorie:Les PNJ Catégorie:Les mages du Monastère
- Volk Volk Saberon Art Kampfschurke Zugehörigkeit Fraktion Säbelzahnpirscher Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Fang'rila Gebiet Tanaandschungel Status Level Stufe Pallas ist ein Saberon-Kampfschurke aus dem Dschungel von Tanaan. Wer bei den Säbelzahnpirschern einen wohlwollenden Ruf erarbeitet hat, kann bei Z'tenga dem Wanderer, dem Rüstmeister der Säbelzahnpirscher bei Fang'rila im Tanaandschungel den "Vertrag: Pallas" erwerben.
- thumb|184px Con Pallas usted tal vez se refiera a:
* Pallas, uno de los Gigantes leales al dios Tifón, presentes en la Novela "Gigantomachia".
* Pallas, -Segunda antagonista de la segunda temporada de "Saint Seiya Ω" y hermana menor de la diosa Atenea y la diosa de los Pallasites.
- Pallas è la dea dei pallassiti e sorellastra di Atena. Pallas rinasce come bambina in una discarica. Poco dopo la sconfitta di Mars e Apsu, Seiya viene inviato ad ucciderla tramite la daga d'oro deicida, ma il suo guerriero di prima classe Titan riesce a salvarla e portarla al suo palazzo. Tramite i propri poteri, Pallas crea 2 bracciali, uno indossato da se stessa e uno materializzato sul braccio di Atena che le permette di rubare energia a quest'ultima e crescere; se entro un anno non verrà sconfitta Atena morirà e Pallas tornerà adulta
- Stupidity Pallas (魯鈍のパラス, Rodon no Parasu) is a rude and abusive Giant, it is especially not smart but remains at the level of the other Giants. And the last survivor of the brothers of Typhon, he returned to Greece and kills Yuuri, probably attacking by surprise. Badly defeated by Mei, commits suicide by saying the name of Typhon. Perhaps the giant looks more monstrous. His hunchback, disproportionate and with long claws that it uses to fight. When he speaks, he often uses exclamations like "Wow!" or "Hell."
- Pallas is a Human living in Eltnen Fortress. He never holds a stable job so his income is very erratic.
- Pallas (パラス Parasu?) is a large asteroid in the main asteroid belt that has been colonized and is an autonomous city-state or colonopolis. The Stellar Nursery Society attempted to obtain asylum with Pallas following the destruction of Szeged, but were turned down.
- Pallas is a member of Serephina's court in Branson, Missouri. Janos calls Pallas and Bettina his helpers, and they work seamlessly together. We meet Pallas in Bloody Bones.
- Pallas was the name of a Titan in Greek mythology. He was the son of Crius and Eurybia. His wife was Styx and he was the father of Nike, Bia, Cratos and Zelus. He fought on the side of the Titans in the Titanomachy and was cast, alongside his comrades, into Tartaros by the Olympians. The name Pallas can also refer to a giant who was killed by Athena during the Gigantomachy, resulting in her adoption of the epithet "Pallas Athene".
- Pallas, designation 2 Pallas, is the second asteroid to have been discovered (after Ceres), and one of the largest in the Solar System. It is estimated to comprise 7% of the mass of the asteroid belt and its diameter of 544 kilometres (338 mi) is slightly larger than that of 4 Vesta. It is however 10–30% less massive than Vesta, placing it third among the asteroids. It is possibly the largest irregularly shaped body in the Solar System (that is, the largest body not rounded under its own gravity), and a remnant protoplanet.
- Pallas was a male Human Sith Lord of the Sith Empire. During the Galactic War he resided at the Outpost Overseer on Voss, where he asked an Imperial to deal with a Gormak chief Raklann.
- Pallas is a Mage with the rank of a Master. He acts as the administrator of Volcano Keep.
- Pallas – druga w kolejności odkrycia planetoida. Planetoida (2) Pallas została odkryta przez niemieckiego astronoma Heinricha Wilhelma Olbersa 28 marca 1802 roku w Bremie. Nazwa pochodzi od bogini Ateny z mitologii greckiej, którą nazywano także Pallas (Pallada). Oryginalnie Westa, Ceres, Pallas i Juno zostały sklasyfikowane jako planety, a każda miała swój własny planetarny symbol. Baron Franz Xaver von Zach zaprojektował odpowiedni symbol planetarny 20px – złotą włócznię Ateny (jeden z atrybutów bogini). Inną mniej znaną wersją symbolu jest 12px.