| - is a member of the Akagi Gang.
- He put Nanina through the transference process when she was brought in by Exorse. He was surprised when Dodo Chaplet showed up in the laboratory, and wanted to report the matter, but Edal ordered him not to do so. Senta also performed the transference process on the First Doctor, transferring his life force into Jano. Edal convinced him that the transference was making Jano behave strangely. However, when Jano returned and began destroying the machinery, Senta was powerless to stop him. (TV: The Savages)
- Categoría:PersonajesSenta (センタ, Senta) es un usurero de la Banda Akagi.
- Senta is character appearing in Pokémon: Adventures on the Orange Islands.
- Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes SentaSenta (センタ, Senta) est un usurier de la famille Akagi.
- Senta und sein Partner Bunzou sind Schuldeneintreiber, die für den Akagi-Clan arbeiten. Tsunade hatte einige Schulden bei diesem Clan zu begleichen, und Senta und sein Partner wurden ausgesandt, um Tsunade zu finden und sie aufzufordern, ihre Schulden zu bezahlen. Sie suchten seit drei Jahren nach ihr. Als sie sie schließlich fanden, erfuhren sie, dass sie die Schuld schon vor einem Jahr beglichen hatte und dass sie vom Oberhaupt des Clans, Shugoro, wieder nach Hause bestellt worden waren.
- Senta (センタ, Senta) es un usurero de la Banda Akagi.
- Senta was the capital city of the Core planet of Belasco. It was constructed centuries before the Clone Wars. The city was home to the palace were the royal family that ruled Belasco lived. It sat on top the golden hills that overlooked the Great Sea of Belasco.
- Senta (also known as The Golden Child of Wrath and Keeper of Ages) is the progeny of Koza'Rai.
- Senta var en hunde-bot, som kom fra planeten Edificus.
- The demi-god Senta became the "divine twin" of Rachel Unglighter. Decades later, after Koza Rai was banished back to the Netherworld, Rachel's demon half had torn itself from her physical being as well thus becoming her own sentient entity. The Ghostbusters battled Senta and won while freeing Rachal from her "sister". Based on a series of images in the Gozerian Codex, the Ghostbusters identified Senta in the extended Gozerian Sumerian pantheon but actual information was extremely limited.
- Senta ist ein weiblicher Strauß. Sie hat am 21. Oktober Geburtstag und ist eine ausgeglichene Dorfbewohnerin. In der deutschen Version von Animal Crossing (GC) hieß Senta noch Sandra.