Hot Hot Chilli is a British children's television animation created by BaconMahBoi. The series focuses on Señor Fred, an employee at a horribly-run, 1-star Mexican restaurant called El Restaurante Picante (Spanish for The Spicy Restaurant), where he is forced to work for Boss Burrato, a lazy and extremely harsh boss with slight mental issues. The series premiered on June 22, 2016, with its first two episodes "El Big Fight" and "September 24th", and aired two new episodes every weekday until June 30, 2016. It then took a hiatus until September 12, 2016 when new episodes began to air every weekend until the end of season 1. The series is popular, the premiere gathering 132,000 viewers, and the finale gathering 135,000.
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| - Hot Hot Chilli is a British children's television animation created by BaconMahBoi. The series focuses on Señor Fred, an employee at a horribly-run, 1-star Mexican restaurant called El Restaurante Picante (Spanish for The Spicy Restaurant), where he is forced to work for Boss Burrato, a lazy and extremely harsh boss with slight mental issues. The series premiered on June 22, 2016, with its first two episodes "El Big Fight" and "September 24th", and aired two new episodes every weekday until June 30, 2016. It then took a hiatus until September 12, 2016 when new episodes began to air every weekend until the end of season 1. The series is popular, the premiere gathering 132,000 viewers, and the finale gathering 135,000.
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| - Darin De Paul as Señor Fred and Boss Burrato, BaconMahBoi as Señor Cashier, Quinton Flynn as Señor Mop
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| - Hot Hot Chilli is a British children's television animation created by BaconMahBoi. The series focuses on Señor Fred, an employee at a horribly-run, 1-star Mexican restaurant called El Restaurante Picante (Spanish for The Spicy Restaurant), where he is forced to work for Boss Burrato, a lazy and extremely harsh boss with slight mental issues. The series premiered on June 22, 2016, with its first two episodes "El Big Fight" and "September 24th", and aired two new episodes every weekday until June 30, 2016. It then took a hiatus until September 12, 2016 when new episodes began to air every weekend until the end of season 1. The series is popular, the premiere gathering 132,000 viewers, and the finale gathering 135,000. On August 6, 2016, it was confirmed the series would not be renewed for a second season due to complaints about its darkness and violence.