| - Somewhere on war-torn Cybertron, a band of Decepticons under the command of the cruel Scorponok leads captive Autobots to their death at the smelting pools. En route, however, a squadron of Autobots led by Fortress Maximus attacks, driving off the Decepticons and freeing the prisoners. Overwhelmed, the Decepticons retreat, and the Autobots return to their hidden base. The Autobots construct a starcraft dubbed the Steelhaven, and Autobots from all over come to join the mission for peace. After a short warp across the void, the ship arrives on orbit around Nebulos.
| - Somewhere on war-torn Cybertron, a band of Decepticons under the command of the cruel Scorponok leads captive Autobots to their death at the smelting pools. En route, however, a squadron of Autobots led by Fortress Maximus attacks, driving off the Decepticons and freeing the prisoners. Overwhelmed, the Decepticons retreat, and the Autobots return to their hidden base. The Autobot troops are jubilant in the wake of their victory, but Fortress Maximus silences them angrily — even when they win, the planet suffers, and lives are lost. Maximus has had enough, and intends to leave Cybertron and the endless cycle of war altogether; he has set his sights on the world of Nebulos, a peaceful planet he has watched for many vorns. His stunned troops have little option but to go along. The Autobots construct a starcraft dubbed the Steelhaven, and Autobots from all over come to join the mission for peace. After a short warp across the void, the ship arrives on orbit around Nebulos. The Autobots land in the planet's wilds; Fortress Maximus dispatches Highbrow to make contact with the planet's inhabitants. Highbrow comes across Gort and his lover engaged in "a primitive form of communication." Gort panics at the sight of Highbrow, and in his haste to fight off the monster for his lover, trips and is injured. An apologetic Highbrow passes a small holo-projector to the woman, containing a message from Fortress Maximus, and leaves. In Koraja the next day, the Council of Peers meets to discuss the Autobots' message. Lord Zarak eagerly attempts to stir the Nebulans up into war. Galen disagrees, arguing that Nebulos has been peaceful for years and must make peace the first choice. Blurr arrives in the capital city the next day, and began to speak of his desire to live in peace. However, Krunk, one of Lord Zarak's henchmen, uses a weapon to magnetize Blurr's arm, causing him to dislodge a nearby sculpture and send it crashing into a crowd of panicked Nebulans. Under fire from the city's guards, Blurr retreats, his message of peace lost. Soon, the Nebulans resurrect their long-buried machines of war and attack the Autobot encampment, wounding many of the Autobots. Under explicit orders from Fortress Maximus, the Autobots do not fight back and retreat further into the wilderness. The next day, Fortress Maximus and ten other Autobots march to the city, and throw their weapons down, begging for peace one last time. Zarak urges Galen to fire, but Galen refuses. Fortress Maximus, Highbrow, Hardhead, Brainstorm, and Chromedome all pull their heads from their body and place them on the ground, rendering their bodies useless. Galen accepts the offering, stating that "there will be no war today."