| - Hideyoshi's half-brother Hashiba Hidenaga led 90,000 men, landing near Takajō (Taka Castle). Within the previous several years, the Shimazu clan of Satsuma province had spread across the island, seizing the Ōtomo clan capital of Funai. In doing so, they had become a significant power in the region, and threatened Hideyoshi's supremacy over Japan. Fighting their way through the Toyotomi forces, the Shimazu effected a retreat, leaving Takajō and the surrounding area to Hidenaga.
| - Hideyoshi's half-brother Hashiba Hidenaga led 90,000 men, landing near Takajō (Taka Castle). Within the previous several years, the Shimazu clan of Satsuma province had spread across the island, seizing the Ōtomo clan capital of Funai. In doing so, they had become a significant power in the region, and threatened Hideyoshi's supremacy over Japan. Hidenaga's forces pursued the Shimazu beyond Takajō, and began to besiege the fortress. Shimazu Iehisa then turned his force of 20,000 around, clashing with a detachment of 15,000 Toyotomi warriors. Three thousand Shimazu warriors dismantled the fortifications of the besiegers, and distracted them long enough to effect a cavalry attack. However, they then found themselves flanked by 1500 Toyotomi warriors, who made every effort to give the appearance of a larger force in the Shimazu's rear, cutting off their escape. Fighting their way through the Toyotomi forces, the Shimazu effected a retreat, leaving Takajō and the surrounding area to Hidenaga.