| - History of location is unknown.
- (early 1.5 history) Later, Coruscant joined in the third galaxy-spanning republic, and became the permanent capital of the newly-recreated Galactic Republic.
- Coruscant, Imperial Center genaamd tijdens het Empire, was de hoofdplaneet en het hart van de Galactic Republic en later van het Galactic Empire. De planeet was volledig volgebouwd door de stad Galactic City. De Galactic Senate en de Jedi Order hadden hun hoofdkwartier op Coruscant. Coruscant werd beschouwd als het politieke en economische centrum van het universum.
- Coruscant is the Homeplanet of the Jedi Order and the Galactic Senate
- In Darth Grievous's evil vision of the future Coruscant was conquered by the Dark forces of evil and after the Autobots died and the Jedi were all slain the planet fell into darkness. The planet was covered in dark clouds and darkness and then the planet has gain an evil face of Darth Grievous wearing an evil sombrero.
- Coruscant is a world That based off Millions of Star wars series. He Appears in The Universe XP Kingdom Hearts Series.
- Coruscant is the capital world of the Galactic Republic. The whole planet is covered with architectural design, in other words, it is covered with skyscrapers and many buildings, levels, and transport tubes. When you reach a certain level toward the planet's natural surface, which hasn't seen the light of day for many years, the level has it's own weather. You will find creatures like the duracrete slug and worm, the stone mite, granite slugs, and hawk bats. Also in Coruscant you will find, towards some of the lower levels, the Glow Spider, in which is Nici the Specialist who will set you up with some fake IDs, and if need be, alter your retinas so the Imperials or others cannot find you so easily.
- Coruscant is a slightly overpopulated planet in the Star Wars universe also known as Space Rome. Its entire surface is covered by an endless multileveled cityscape with little parking. This intergalactic hub is thought to originally have formed as a single branch of the DMV.
- Name: Coruscant Galaxy: Icarus Galaxy System: Hoth system Sun(s): 1 yellow dwarf Moon(s): 3 Main species: Humans (Destinas) Population: About 3 billion Primary language: English Surface: Temperate, Forest, Mountain Major cities: Coruscant, New Glasgow Affiliation: GATO, Destinas Current GATO status: Destinas world Coruscant is the capital of the Destinas empire, and the crown jewel of all human planets in the Icarus galaxy.
- Coruscant's darkest hour was at the peak of the Yuuzhan Vong War. During the Fall of Coruscant, the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong overwhelmed the Republic defenses in three attack waves and conquered the planet. Coruscant, which had been completely covered in city sprawl for millennia, was devastated during the assault. The planet's underbelly has become overrun with giant spider-like creatures, as well as Voxyns. They were developed from vornskr stock from the planet Myrkr and that of the fero xyn which was native to the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy.
- Coruscant
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- Planeta w dalekiej galaktyce...
- Coruscant has long been a central figure in the galaxy. Certain legends from the prehistory of the Republic tell of Coruscant having once be ruled by a king who united the Core worlds which led to the eventual formation of the Republic. From the beginning, the principal home of the Jedi Knights has been the Jedi Retreat opposite the Palace that serves as the capitol of the Republic and seats of the Senate and Supreme Court.
- Coruscant was a massive city planet in the galactic core that served as the capital of the Galactic Republic. Coruscant during the Clone Wars was the military and political capital of all Republic activity and was home to Jedi Order and Republic Senate.
- Coruscant est le siège du pouvoir central galactique, entièrement recouverte par l'urbanisation, cette planète est décrite comme étant le joyau des mondes du Noyau.
- [[Category: Levels]] Image:Level-art.png Coruscant is a level.
- Coruscant was the main planet of the galaxy, where everything was decided for the rest of the galaxy, containing a city metropolis built across the entire surface. Once it was attacked by the Yuuzhan Vong and their terraforming, but that has been eradicated, with the world brain also dead. Many historical events have happened here, such as the defeat of the Taung, rise of the empire, the birth and death of the Galactic Alliance and many other great events.
- Eine Bevölkerungsexplosion von über zwölf Milliarden Bewohner Zuwachs führte zu einer schnellen Expansion und der Entwicklung einer hochmodernen und zivilisieren Infrastruktur, die dem Planeten in einen guten Ruf brachten. Als Zeichen dafür, dass man den Planeten als Zentrum der Galaxis ansah, erhielt Coruscant die Koordinaten Null-Null-Null auf Standard-Navigationstabellen.
- Coruscant is a massive city planet that was once one of the cultural centers of the Star Wars universe, before X-Parasites invaded and infested the planet, making it an extremely dangerous place for travellers to wander. Before the X-Parasites took it over, it had a massive population far beyond any other planets known, made up of almost every race in the galaxy. The Jedi Temple was where hundreds of generations of jedi knights were trained, although it was desecrated with the rest of the city.
- Dieser Planet gehört mit zu den wichtigsten Zentren des Universums. Auf ihm hat der Senat seinen Sitz, der Jeditempel steht dort auch. Aus dem Weltraum sieht man die vielen aber Millionen Lichter des Planeten.
- Coruscant (known in antiquity as Notron) was a planet that, over the centuries, had developed into an ecumenopolis. This world-spanning city was referred to as "Coruscant," but its actual name changed during time, becoming Galactic City during the Imperial period. Located in the Galactic Core, Coruscant was often the seat of galactic affairs throughout recorded history and was the capital of the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, and the New Republic.Many also believe it was the ancient homeworld of Humans.
- The Galactic Center of Coruscant (pronounced /'kʊɹəsɑnt/) was the political hub of the galaxy for millennia. It was generally agreed that Coruscant was, during most of Galactic history, the most politically important world in the galaxy. At various times, it was the capital of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, the New Republic, the center of Yuuzhan Vong occupation, and the Galactic Alliance. A large number of the galaxy's trade routes—including the Perlemian Trade Route, the Corellian Run, the Metellos Trade Route, the Koros Trunk Line, and the Leisure Corridor—went through Coruscant, making it one of the richest worlds in the galaxy. Tellingly, the planet's hyperspace coordinates were (0,0,0), and the military designation was Triple Zero.
- It's a planet. More information and RP history are forthcoming.
- Coruscant was a planet that was also one big city. Most people had difficulty working this out, despite the fact that it was entirely covered in buildings. Fortunately, Captain Obvious was on hand to help them by pointing this out.
- Coruscant was a planet that was covered with one immense city. It was the location of the Jedi Temple and Dexter's Diner. It was Galactic and Political center of the galaxy.
- Coruscant je ime izmišljenega planeta v Vojnah zvezd. Predstavlja glavni planet Galaktične Republike
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- The lovely nation of Coruscant is a paragon of technology development. It is a proud member of The Corporation alliance, and has proven its military capabilities by fighting in many wars. Even taking a beating by receiving 5 nuclear attacks during the Karma war while also using the force to dodge 10 others and inflict equal damage to its opponents without ever firing a single nuclear weapon.
- The Galactic Center of Coruscant, the capital system of the Galactic Republic since its founding more than fifteen thousand years ago, has been the political hub of the galaxy for millennia. Home and headquarters to the Supreme Chancellor and the Galactic Senate, it is the most politically important world in the galaxy. Its towers, which are being rebuilt after the recent sacking by the Sith Empire, symbolize the power and prosperity of the Republic, which is slowly returning to its former glory.
- Coruscant , iniţial numită Notron, cunoscută de asemenea şi ca Centrul Imperial sau Regina Centrului, a fost o planetă aflată în centrul galactic. În general se considera că aceasta a fost, de-a lungul istoriei, cea mai importantă lume din galaxie din punct de vedere politic. De-a lungul anilor, a fost capitala Republicii Galactice, a Imperiului Galactic, a Noii Republici, Imperiului Yuuzhan Vong, Alianţei Galactice, pe scurt a Imperiului Fel, Imperiului Galactic al lui Darth Krayt şi Triumviratului Federaţiei Galactice. Controlând Coruscant, aceste guverne controlau majoritatea galaxiei. Coordonatele hiperspaţiale ale Coruscantului erau (0,0,0), făcând din acestea centrul galaxiei, deşi nu era centrul geografic al galaxiei. Coordonatele de hiperspaţiu au dat denumirea militară a planetei
- Coruscant is the sixth planet of the Coruscant System, located in the Core Worlds region of the galaxy. It is orbited by four moons. Coruscant has been, for thousands of years, the political hub of the galaxy. Its entire surface is covered by one colossal metropolis. The city world is inhabited by several races, mainly Humans (some believe that Coruscant is the actual origin of the Human species, but this is highly doubtful...); and non-sapient faunal organisms, both native and introduced, well adapted to live in the urban environment. Such organisms include silica parasites, like Duracrete Slugs and Duracrete Worms, that feed on duracrete and other building materials.
- Coruscantin galaktinen keskus, joka tunnettiin myös nimillä Imperiumin keskus tai Ytimen kuningatar, oli koko galaksin poliittinen keskus vuosituhansien ajan. Coruscant hyväksyttiin yleisesti melkein koko galaksin historian aikana sen kaikkein poliittisesti tärkeimmäksi planeetaksi. Eri aikoina, riippuen kenen hallussa se oli, se toimi pääplaneettana Vanhalle Tasavallalle, Galaktiselle Imperiumille, Uudelle tasavallalle, osittain uudelleensyntyneelle imperiumille ekstragalaktisten valloittajien, yuuzhan vongien imperiumille, Felin imperiumille sekä Darth Kraytin galaktiselle imperiumille. Nämä hallitukset, jotka hallitsivat aikoinaan Coruscantia, hallitsivat samalla koko galaksia.
- En el centro de la galaxia, las relucientes torres de Coruscant simbolizan el poder y la prosperidad de la civilización de la República, resultado de miles de años de progreso y democracia. Coruscant lleva siendo la capital de la República desde su fundación hace más de veinte mil años. Hogar del Canciller Supremo y sede del Senado Galáctico, Coruscant es el planeta políticamente más importante de la galaxia.
- Neboderi na Coruscantu stalno se nadograđuju i povisuju, te se sada toliko visoki da sunčana svjetlost uopće ne dopire do donjih razina. Zapravo, najniže razine Coruscanta nisu vidjele sunčevu svjetlost već 95,000 godina. U tim razinama obično žive prosjaci, šverceri, mutanti i ostali nelegalni ili sumnjivi ljudi, dok u višim razinama stanuju moćnici, senatori i bogataši.
- A Coruscant (másképpen Birodalmi Központ vagy a Mag királynője) a galaxis politikai középpontja volt. A galaktikus történelem folyamán mindig a legjelentősebb bolygónak számított. A Galaktikus Köztársaság, a Galaktikus Birodalom, az Új Köztársaság, rövid ideig az Újjászületett Birodalom, majd a Yuuzhan Vong Birodalom, a Szabad Szövetségek, a Fel Birodalom és Darth Krayt Birodalmának fővárosa volt. ha valamelyik kormányzat megszerezte a bolygó feletti ellenőrzést, akkor az irányítás is szinte az övé lett.
- Coruscant, även känd som Imperiala centrumet eller Drottningen av kärnan var det politiska centrumet i Galaxen för ett millenium. Staden var huvudsakligen under hela galaxens historia den politiskt viktigaste världen. Coruscant var också huvudstad för Galaktiska Republiken, Galaktiska Imperiet, Nya Republiken, en kort stund för Empire Reborn , Galaktiska Alliansen, Fel-imperiet, Yuuzhan Vong-imperiet och Darth Krayts Sith-imperium. De här regeringarna som kontrollerade Coruscant kontrollerade i sin tur huvudsakligen hela Galaxen.
- Coruscant was the seat of government for the Galactic Alliance since its inception. Despite surviving the destruction inflicted upon it during countless wars, Coruscant's final days were in the late parts of the second month of 47 ABY during the Coruscant Campaign of the Unification War. Just before the last resistance on the planet was over, Siron went to the nexus of Force powers under the Jedi Temple and unleashed a Force storm that he hoped to use to destroy the invading armies that opposed him. Instead, the power he unleashed was too great and the storm lost control while feeding on the nexus.
- Coruscant ist ein Planet, auf dem eine einzige Stadt erbaut wurde die so groß ist dass sie denn gesamten Planeten bedeckt. Auf dem Planeten ist neben dem Senat der Republik auch der Tempel der Jedi von Herkules erbaut. Da der Planet eine ganze Stadt ist enthält er über 1200 Sektoren also Gebiete. Dort ist auch das Büro und Amt von Darth Vader . Das bedeutet auch das Coruscant der wichtigste und einflussreichste Planet im System der Republik ist. Coruscant ist sehr dick. In den oberen Ebenen leben vorwiegend die reichen und einflussreichen Bürger und Herkules in luxuriösen Penthäusern und Suiten, in denen sie die beeindruckenden Sonnenuntergänge genießen können. Hunderte von Stockwerken unter den Wolkenkratzertürmen liegenden Canyongeschosse Coruscants sehen nie das Tageslicht, dafür aber P
- Coruscant ist ein Planet, auf dem eine einzige Stadt erbaut wurde die so groß ist dass sie denn gesamten Planeten bedeckt. Auf dem Planeten ist neben dem Senat der Republik auch der Tempel der Jedi von Herkules erbaut. Da der Planet eine ganze Stadt ist enthält er über 1200 Sektoren also Gebiete. Dort ist auch das Büro und Amt von Darth Vader . Das bedeutet auch das Coruscant der wichtigste und einflussreichste Planet im System der Republik ist. Coruscant ist sehr dick. In den oberen Ebenen leben vorwiegend die reichen und einflussreichen Bürger und Herkules in luxuriösen Penthäusern und Suiten, in denen sie die beeindruckenden Sonnenuntergänge genießen können. Hunderte von Stockwerken unter den Wolkenkratzertürmen liegenden Canyongeschosse Coruscants sehen nie das Tageslicht, dafür aber P
- Coruscant, planeta w całości pokryta olbrzymim miastem (Coruscant City). Planeta jest stolicą Republiki Galaktycznej i państw, które powstały na jej gruzach (Imperium Galaktyczne, Nowa Republika, Imperium Yuuzhan Vongów, Sojusz Galaktyczny, Nowe Imperium, Imperium Dartha Krayta). Coruscant jest kolebką Ludzi i Taungów. Pierwotnie, bardzo dawno temu, planeta nazywała się "Notron", pod rządami Imperium Galaktycznego nosiła nazwę "Centrum Imperialne", natomiast pod rządami Yuuzhan Vong "Yuuzhan'tar". Coruscant jest od tysiącleci politycznym centrum, najpierw Starej Republiki, później Galaktycznego Imperium. Cała planeta jest jednym wielkim miastem. Niewielkie niezabudowane obszary obejmują obszary polarne i Góry Manarai. Znajduje się tu dużo ważnych urzędów i zarządów firm, organizacji i inst
- Coruscant is the homeworld of the Imperial faction of humans and the Capitol World of the Galactic Empire. The planet is completely covered in one enormous multi-leveled city. From orbit the capital world Coruscant is a brillinat sparkle of light. Its sprawling cityscape creates geometric patterns on the surface that can be seen from space. Billions of ships including passenger liners, millitary vessels, and private vehicles entere and exit Coruscant's atmosphere a a staggering rate, as many different species of many different space empires make the trip to and from the capital. Some ships are trading galleons, others patrolling naval vessels, and still others those of ambassadors from distant worlds seeking council with the Imperial Magistrate.
- Situated in the heart of the galaxy, Coruscant was the seat of government for the Galactic Republic and the Empire that supplanted it. Over thousands of years of civilization, the planet has been entirely enveloped by cityscapes and urban sprawl. Immense skyscrapers reach high into the atmosphere, and stretch down deep into the dark shadows. Crisscrossing the skyline are streams of unending repulsorlift traffic. Even in the depths of night, Coruscant is alive with glittering lights and rivers of traffic, a bustling megalopolis that refuses to sleep.
- Coruscant has been considered the center since the beginning of interstellar travel. In fact, there are still several widely-accepted navigation charting formats that places the Coruscant System at the coordinates (0, 0, 0), noting it as the standard point of all location references. Coruscant is also considered the center of trade, among others. With millions of merchants visiting this system on a monthly basis, the Coruscant System is often considered an independent market segment, with thousands of subcategories under it, by the premier marketing firms of the galaxy.
- Coruscant (pronunciato Corussant e originariamente chiamato Notron), chiamato anche Centro Galattico, è considerato da millenni il centro nevralgico, nonché il pianeta politicamente più importante, della galassia. Nel corso del tempo, è stato sede della Repubblica Galattica, dell'Impero Galattico, della Nuova Repubblica e dell'Alleanza Galattica. Per un certo periodo fu anche il centro d'occupazione della galassia da parte degli Yuuzhan Vong. Un gran numero di rotte commerciali transitavano da Coruscant, come la Rotta Corelliana o la Rotta Commerciale Perlemiana, facendone uno dei pianeti più ricchi della galassia. Significativamente, le coordinate iperspaziali del pianeta sono (0,0,0), e il suo riferimento militare è Triplo Zero. In conformità, era il pianeta principale del Settore Zero,
- Det galaktiske midtpunkt Coruscant (udtales /'kʊɹəsɑnt/) var galaksens hovedstad i årtusinder. Det var den almidelige opfattelse at Coruscant var, igennem det meste af den galaktiske historie, den mest politisk vigtige planet i galaksen. Gennem tiden var den hovedstad for den Galaktiske Republik, det Galaktiske Imperium, Den Nye Republik, Yuuzhan Vong Imperiet og den Galaktiske Alliance. En stor del af galaksen handelsruter—inklusiv Perlemian Trade Route, Corellian Run, Metellos Trade Route, Koros Trunk Line, og Leisure Corridor—gik gennem Coruscant, og gjorde den til en af de rigeste planeter i galaksen. Planetens hyperspace koordinater var (0,0,0).
- [Source] Coruscant était une planète située près du centre de la Galaxie, en bordure du Noyau. Surnommée le Pivot ou encore le Joyau des Mondes du Noyau, elle est la capitale de la République Galactique, puis de l'Empire Galactique et enfin de la Nouvelle République après la chute de l'Empire. Probablement le berceau de l'humanité, ce monde a de tout temps été le centre névralgique de la galaxie. Elle se trouve aux coordonnées 0-0-0 dans le repère spatial galactique, à l'intersection des plus grandes routes commerciales.
- Coruscant, also known as Coruscanta in Mando'a, and Imperial Center during the reign of the Galactic Empire, was the political center of the Galaxy for millennia. The actual -wide city of Coruscant was known as Galactic City, or Republic City under the Galactic Republic, Imperial City during the rule of the Galactic Empire and New Republic City under the New Republic.
- Coruscant to planeta będąca stolicą Galaktyki. Przez tysiąclecia był to najważniejszy politycznie i strategicznie świat, spełniający rolę stolicy Republiki, następnie Imperium Galaktycznego (ówczesna nazwa - Centrum Imperialne), Nowej Republiki (New Republic City), Imperium Yuuzhan Vongów (Yuuzhan'tar), Sojuszu Galaktycznego i Nowego Imperium Galaktycznego. Cała powierzchnia planety była zabudowana miastem - wyjątek to szczyt gór Manarai oraz okolice czap polarnych na biegunach. Coruscant była domem dla miliardów istot, a że przebiegała przez nią duża ilość szlaków handlowych, znajdowały się na niej w przeciągu tysiącleci siedziby wielu korporacji, firm i organizacji (jak chociażby Czarne Słońce).
- Coruscant ist benannt nach dem Corusca-Edelstein, weil diese urbanisierte Welt nachts vom Orbit aus betrachtet so glitzert wie die Facetten dieses Schmucksteins. Coruscant umkreist seine kleine Sonne in relativ großer Distanz, zwischen 207 und 251 Millionen Kilometern, und weist daher ein Klima auf, das nicht unbedingt für Menschen geeignet ist. Dieses Problem wird durch eine Reihe Orbitalspiegel behoben, die das Licht und die Wärme der Sonne verstärken. Die ersten Fundamente der planetenumstandenen Galactic City (zu Zeiten des Imperiums: Imperial City) wurden auf einem historischen Schlachtfeld errichtet, auf dem drei Ur-Zivilisationen um die Vorherrschaft über den Planeten stritten. Einst großflächig von Ozeanen bedeckt, haben Millionen Jahre der Überbevölkerung Coruscant all seiner natü