| - Porter C. Powell has a shiny new idea for making money out of loyal suckers - I mean, customers. He's turned Bulkhead's Swat van into a mega-van for soccer moms, and he's peddling it under the name of "The Bulkhead". The REAL Bulkhead is not happy about this at all, but it makes no difference - Powell Motorworks has already been selling the vehicles for years to Police Departments and paramilitary organisations around the globe. Bulkhead tries to point out that no mom needs a SWAT assault vehicle, and to dissuade people from buying The Bulkhead, but Powell just records his words, and edits them into a more suitable order. This infuriates Bulkhead further. At first the others can't see what the problem is with having other mega-vans that look like Bulkhead around, but when "The Bulkhead" turns out to be a huge hit, it becomes apparent. Spike and Carly are loading a new TV into their own "Bulkhead", but it's really THE Bulkhead on a stakeout. He's distracted, and the Angry Archer, whom he was watching, starts to get away in his own "Bulkhead", which has been modified to fire missiles at persuers. Unfortunately for him, "The Bulkhead", like Bulkhead himself, is an unweildy gargantuan, and he crashes trying to dodge ANOTHER "Bulkhead". While he survives unhurt, his getaway vehicle explodes from the impact of the crash. Later on, Ratchet is examining the remains of "The Bulkhead". He comments that the placement of the fuel tank would cause an explosion on impact. That, coupled with poor fuel economy and the vehicle manouvering like a brick on wheels, makes "The Bulkhead" highly unsafe for any civilian driver. But nobody expects Powell to admit to any mistake voluntarily. It's just then that Powell announces a car-painting competition, challenging customisors to 'Pimp My Bulkhead' in further advertisements of the vehicle. That gives Bulkhead an idea. Are you pondering what I'm pondering? The next day, Powell is judging the car-painting competition in a stadium. He selects as the winner, "The Bulkhead" with his own face painted on it. The 'owner' invites him to check out the inside, and he hops right in, only to find the driver take off with him inside. As the driver takes corners at high speed, Powell panics, shouting that "The Bulkhead" rolls over on a turn at twenty miles an hour, it explodes on impact, and it's a gas-guzzling death-trap. It's only THEN that he discovers there IS no driver - just a video camera taping his every word. "The Bulkhead" really was THE Bulkhead, in a different paint job. You never saw that coming, huh? He is forced to recall the entire line of unsafe Bulkheads, and Bulkhead himself is glad to be back in green. Ratchet wonders who would want to ride around in such a gaudy paint job anyway. We're given an example when Bumblebee has apparently taken a leaf out of Bulkhead's book, and given himself a paintjob starring himself.