Quara were an Aqualish subspecies hailing from the planet Ando. Like the Ualaq subspecies, the Quara evolved from the baseline Aquala species. Quara only made up about ten percent of the Aqualish population, despite their five-fingered hands making them more comfortable with technology.
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- Quara
- Quara
- Quara
- Quara
- Quara
| - Quara är vattenlevande varelser som bor i havet norr om the Shattered Isles. Även om deras primära hem är under vatten, har Quara Scouterna varit kända för att göra utflykter på torra land och räder i närheten av bebyggelsen. Man kan finna dem när de vilar och utforskar The Forbidden Islands och Frozen Trench, men de föredrar att var under vatten där dem är mycket starkare. De simmar ibland över till Liberty Bay när det är räd.Quaras lyser också i mörkret.
- Stejně jako Ualaqové se Quarové vyvinuli z hlavní rasy Aquala. Quarové tvořili asi 10 % populace Aqualishů. Rasa Quara se vyznačovala rukama s pěti prsty vhodnými pro manipulaci s technikou.
- Quara were an Aqualish subspecies hailing from the planet Ando. Like the Ualaq subspecies, the Quara evolved from the baseline Aquala species. Quara only made up about ten percent of the Aqualish population, despite their five-fingered hands making them more comfortable with technology.
- The Quara are aquatic creatures that inhabit the seafloor. Even though their primary home is underwater, the Quara Scouts have been known to make excursions on dry land and raids of the nearby human settlements. They can be found resting and exploring the Forbidden Islands or Frozen Trench, but they prefer to stay underwater, where they are much stronger. Their scouts also swim sometimes to Liberty Bay to raid it. They also glow in the dark.
- Quara era una subespecie aqualish del planeta Ando. Como la subespecie ualaq, los quara evolucionaron a partir de la especie aquala. Los quara sólo comprendían el diez por ciento de la población aqualish, aunque las manos de cinco dedos que desarrollaron los hacían más cómodos con la tecnología.
- Os quaras são criaturas que habitam os leitos oceanicos do Tibia. Apesar de viverem grande parte de suas vidas em baixo d'água, há relatos de sua aparição em terra-firme no território da colônia de Liberty Bay. Mas esse tipo de comportamento é muito raro e não se sabe ao certo o que o provoca.
- The Quara are aquatic creatures that inhabit the seafloor. They were slaves of the dark power that once ruled the ocean around the Shattered Isles and was annihilated by some disaster. Even though their primary home is underwater, the Quara Scouts have been known to make excursions on dry land and raids of the nearby human settlements. They can be found resting and exploring the Forbidden Islands or Frozen Trench, but they prefer to stay underwater, where they are much stronger. Their scouts also swim sometimes to Liberty Bay to raid it. They also glow in the dark.
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| - Subespecie aqualish con manos de cinco dedos
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| - Quara är vattenlevande varelser som bor i havet norr om the Shattered Isles. Även om deras primära hem är under vatten, har Quara Scouterna varit kända för att göra utflykter på torra land och räder i närheten av bebyggelsen. Man kan finna dem när de vilar och utforskar The Forbidden Islands och Frozen Trench, men de föredrar att var under vatten där dem är mycket starkare. De simmar ibland över till Liberty Bay när det är räd.Quaras lyser också i mörkret.
- Stejně jako Ualaqové se Quarové vyvinuli z hlavní rasy Aquala. Quarové tvořili asi 10 % populace Aqualishů. Rasa Quara se vyznačovala rukama s pěti prsty vhodnými pro manipulaci s technikou.
- Quara were an Aqualish subspecies hailing from the planet Ando. Like the Ualaq subspecies, the Quara evolved from the baseline Aquala species. Quara only made up about ten percent of the Aqualish population, despite their five-fingered hands making them more comfortable with technology.
- The Quara are aquatic creatures that inhabit the seafloor. They were slaves of the dark power that once ruled the ocean around the Shattered Isles and was annihilated by some disaster. Even though their primary home is underwater, the Quara Scouts have been known to make excursions on dry land and raids of the nearby human settlements. They can be found resting and exploring the Forbidden Islands or Frozen Trench, but they prefer to stay underwater, where they are much stronger. Their scouts also swim sometimes to Liberty Bay to raid it. They also glow in the dark. All Quara's are weak to Energy Damage, And some quaras are weak to Earth Damage.
- Os quaras são criaturas que habitam os leitos oceanicos do Tibia. Apesar de viverem grande parte de suas vidas em baixo d'água, há relatos de sua aparição em terra-firme no território da colônia de Liberty Bay. Mas esse tipo de comportamento é muito raro e não se sabe ao certo o que o provoca. Quaras são considerados, por muitos marinheiros, a praga dos oceanos. Há inúmeros relatos de ataques a embarcações que cruzam tanto a rota de comércio entre Thais e Liberty Bay, quanto a rota entre Carlin e a cidade nórdica de Svargrond. Não se sabe ao certo o número estimado dessas criaturas e se possuem uma civilização tão avançada como a humana, mas uma coisa é certa, assim como nós dominamos as terras de tibia os quaras dominam seus oceanos.
- The Quara are aquatic creatures that inhabit the seafloor. Even though their primary home is underwater, the Quara Scouts have been known to make excursions on dry land and raids of the nearby human settlements. They can be found resting and exploring the Forbidden Islands or Frozen Trench, but they prefer to stay underwater, where they are much stronger. Their scouts also swim sometimes to Liberty Bay to raid it. They also glow in the dark.
- Quara era una subespecie aqualish del planeta Ando. Como la subespecie ualaq, los quara evolucionaron a partir de la especie aquala. Los quara sólo comprendían el diez por ciento de la población aqualish, aunque las manos de cinco dedos que desarrollaron los hacían más cómodos con la tecnología.
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