| - Regular Game is a game created by Cartoon Network in April 7, 2014. It is based on the cartoon Regular Show. It has 3 modes: Arcade (1-Player), Arcade (2-Player), and Endless Flying. It was released on PC, PlayStations 3 and 4, Xboxs 360 and One, iOS, Android, Mac, Linux, Wii, Wii U, Arcade, and the Acedia 64. The rating is E despite of fantasy violence.
| - Regular Game is a game created by Cartoon Network in April 7, 2014. It is based on the cartoon Regular Show. It has 3 modes: Arcade (1-Player), Arcade (2-Player), and Endless Flying. It was released on PC, PlayStations 3 and 4, Xboxs 360 and One, iOS, Android, Mac, Linux, Wii, Wii U, Arcade, and the Acedia 64. The rating is E despite of fantasy violence.