| - Previous: Propaganda War against Nazis The government in Berlin decides the best choice is to try to bring both the Nazis and the DUS to the negotiating table, to prevent the destruction of Germany. Himmler and John agree, as they do not try to destroy Germany, only lead it. But, the question is, does it work? Created by Tbguy1992 18:40, October 9, 2010 (UTC)
| - Previous: Propaganda War against Nazis The government in Berlin decides the best choice is to try to bring both the Nazis and the DUS to the negotiating table, to prevent the destruction of Germany. Himmler and John agree, as they do not try to destroy Germany, only lead it. In the small town of Uelzen, south of Hamburg, the leaders of the DUS and the Nazi parties meet in the dead of night with the Weimar representative, and began the discussion of how to prevent a civil war, and to divide power between the three powers. Although at times heated, and had nearly broke up a few times, an agreement was reached on November 5, 1931, two weeks after the firefight in Hamburg. The DUS would get free reign in the west and north, while the Nazi's could get East Prussia and Bavaria, and the Weimar Republic still maintains sovereignty over the nation, and neither party will overthrow it. The agreement is publicized the next day, and all of Germany (and Europe) breathes a sigh of relief at the avoided civil war, and both John and Himmler are jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the deal, but the Nazis are bitter that they are left out of half of Europe. Göbbels is secretly assembling a force to take over the party. But, the question is, does it work? Created by Tbguy1992 18:40, October 9, 2010 (UTC)