| - Two characters, who either appear to be attracted to each other but in denial, or who just hate each other's guts, find themselves cornered during an emergency. They're about to be caught sneaking into the Big Bad's fortress, looking at confidential files, or fleeing the scene of the battle. The quickest solution? Kiss -- passionately. Sometimes done to interrupt a guy speaking/shouting, either to just shut him up or because someone is coming. Compare the longer-term Undercover As Lovers. Examples of Fake-Out Make-Out include:
| - Two characters, who either appear to be attracted to each other but in denial, or who just hate each other's guts, find themselves cornered during an emergency. They're about to be caught sneaking into the Big Bad's fortress, looking at confidential files, or fleeing the scene of the battle. The quickest solution? Kiss -- passionately. Maybe the theory is that whoever's about to find them will want to look away and give them some privacy. Maybe the logic is to do the least suspicious thing a boy and girl would be doing in a dark room or alley, or because it's difficult to recognize someone's face when it's mashed against someone else's. Maybe it's somehow necessary to maintain the Masquerade. Maybe it's a good excuse. Either way, the danger is quickly thwarted... but the moment is not so quickly forgotten. Probably the only kiss that comes without warning. Often fuel for shippers anyway, and has a good chance of appearing in that episode's Trailers Always Lie. Distinct from the Kiss of Distraction because that involves one of the kissers being distracted, whereas this seeks to distract people looking at the kiss. Sometimes done to interrupt a guy speaking/shouting, either to just shut him up or because someone is coming. Compare the longer-term Undercover As Lovers. Examples of Fake-Out Make-Out include: