| - than it does with the Infiltration skill itself. It also applies in some ways to the radio skill Interception. In or outside of any base (enemy or your own) you should /always/ have the permission of other players when listening to their conversations. Everyone has a right to privacy in IC and especially OOC matters. Sitting cloaked in a room, eavesdropping on other player's conversations is the fastest way to get yourself in serious trouble. With the nasty stuff said, let's get back to the matter of IC infiltrations. Before infiltrating any base, you should always get the permission of either TP staff, or the highest ranking player in that faction. Infiltration and radio Interception are both skills that can lead to TP critical information being leaked to the wrong faction at the wrong time and essentially make the plot a bust. While we do want the players to have freedom to take a TP the way their RP steers it, being prepared for every problem ahead of time takes away from the drama and suspense. As mentioned before, people should always be advised that you may be passing through if you are moving around Stealthed or Cloaked. You don't have to be specific about the time of your arrival (to avoid problems with people setting IC traps for invisible spies based on purely OOC information), but you should give them enough warning so they can move OOC conversations to pages or shift IC conversations away from information they wish to keep secret. The rules are less rigid in wide-open public areas (because most characters have more sense than to talk about classified information in the middle of a public room), but if you happen to be moving around stealthed and come across other players, you should let them know in some way that they're not alone. The same rules apply to Interception. If you are listening to someone else's radio conversation, make sure the player knows OOCly.