| - Born 2,076 ABY, Scrios was distinct from the majority of the Savant Caste in that he was not a highborn of Charon society, as most Humans were, but was born into one of the few Human families of the Thrall Caste. Scrios was nonetheless discovered by the Savants and elected as the Oracle and heir-apparent of the Prophet of the Void from an early age, due to the unprecedented intensity of his connection to the Void, as well as the ease of his proficiency with it. Both qualities were made manifest when Scrios not only entered the state of Immolation, but also exhibited the power of Omen, while still a child. Ascending to the status of Harbinger after the death of his predecessor, Mercius Nothian, during the Ghost Wars, Scrios came to into power, initiating the stabilization of the Hellmouth i
| - Born 2,076 ABY, Scrios was distinct from the majority of the Savant Caste in that he was not a highborn of Charon society, as most Humans were, but was born into one of the few Human families of the Thrall Caste. Scrios was nonetheless discovered by the Savants and elected as the Oracle and heir-apparent of the Prophet of the Void from an early age, due to the unprecedented intensity of his connection to the Void, as well as the ease of his proficiency with it. Both qualities were made manifest when Scrios not only entered the state of Immolation, but also exhibited the power of Omen, while still a child. Ascending to the status of Harbinger after the death of his predecessor, Mercius Nothian, during the Ghost Wars, Scrios came to into power, initiating the stabilization of the Hellmouth in order to begin the final phase of the great Charon crusades, the Extant War. Feared and despised by the denizens of the realspace the galaxy, including Jedi and Sith alike, Scrios' strategy of overwhelming military offensives ironically proved the driving force behind what ultimately became the prolongation of the Extant War, as the infamous Destruction of Korriban served as the catalyst for the establishment of the Treaty of Korriban and the formation of the Galactic Emergency Coalition. Following the events of Korriban's destruction and the existence of the Atercor, Scrios became known to much of the galactic community as the "World Butcher". Unlike the greater multitude of the Voidwalking Charon, Scrios was known to have struggled in some capacity with maintaining the emotional absence necessary for a Voidborn to draw upon their full potential. Patriotic and irreconcilably devoted to the Charon purpose, Scrios nonetheless developed some degree of sympathetic tendencies toward those who misunderstood the Charon as simply seeking the destruction of all life without purpose.