Jones: ! Good thing you're here! You won't BELIEVE what I've found!Jones: Look! There's a Friendnet group that's posting pictures of ME! I don't even know how they managed to take them!!Jones: I look stupid on more than half of them! And people are calling me... oh, you don't want to know what they're calling me.Ramirez : Good morning, ! Chief King would like to see you in his office right now.Jones: Ah! He must have heard about that imfamy! Hopefully he'll order Friendnet to take those pictures down!Samuel King: Hello, -Jones: Chief King! What are we going to do about this? Can we legally shut Friendnet down maybe?Samuel King: ...what in the devil are you blabbering about, Jones?Jones: The Friendnet group! The one that posts pictures of me! ... surely that's why you called us to
Attributes | Values |
| - At the End of the Rope/Dialogues
| - Jones: <Rank > ! Good thing you're here! You won't BELIEVE what I've found!Jones: Look! There's a Friendnet group that's posting pictures of ME! I don't even know how they managed to take them!!Jones: I look stupid on more than half of them! And people are calling me... oh, you don't want to know what they're calling me.Ramirez : Good morning, ! Chief King would like to see you in his office right now.Jones: Ah! He must have heard about that imfamy! Hopefully he'll order Friendnet to take those pictures down!Samuel King: Hello, -Jones: Chief King! What are we going to do about this? Can we legally shut Friendnet down maybe?Samuel King: ...what in the devil are you blabbering about, Jones?Jones: The Friendnet group! The one that posts pictures of me! ... surely that's why you called us to
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| - Jones: <Rank > ! Good thing you're here! You won't BELIEVE what I've found!Jones: Look! There's a Friendnet group that's posting pictures of ME! I don't even know how they managed to take them!!Jones: I look stupid on more than half of them! And people are calling me... oh, you don't want to know what they're calling me.Ramirez : Good morning, ! Chief King would like to see you in his office right now.Jones: Ah! He must have heard about that imfamy! Hopefully he'll order Friendnet to take those pictures down!Samuel King: Hello, -Jones: Chief King! What are we going to do about this? Can we legally shut Friendnet down maybe?Samuel King: ...what in the devil are you blabbering about, Jones?Jones: The Friendnet group! The one that posts pictures of me! ... surely that's why you called us to your office?Samuel King: Sometimes I get so very tired...Samuel King: , I've called you over because something happened at the University. A student... a student committed suicide in the library.Jones: Oh, how tragic!!Jones: But wait, what does a suicide have to do with us?Samuel King: Inspector Jones, when a student commits suicide in the middle of College grounds, I'll damn well make sure it's not the beginning of a series!Samuel King: I want you to investigate this as seriously as if it was a murder! Now go to the library, both of you!