| - Or Tom, in the way his family and friends call him back home, he is older than Jordan Hamilton, and with a little bigger experience in combat, he was born in 2035 in Europe, in what in the past was England, his accent is very distinguishable, his english is good, but as far as he can do, he cannot hide his european or old french lineage.
| - Or Tom, in the way his family and friends call him back home, he is older than Jordan Hamilton, and with a little bigger experience in combat, he was born in 2035 in Europe, in what in the past was England, his accent is very distinguishable, his english is good, but as far as he can do, he cannot hide his european or old french lineage. He is Atheist, just as Greg, he was obligated to sign in the special Marine business due to his great eye capability, he served for five years in European special Ops. performing as a sniper in the Cauteaulikan wars, a short conflict between what was France, Italy, England and Sweden, he served with the Cauteaulikan band, and when this faction neutralized the government of the rest of the Union, he was commended and assigned to International special Ops. When he knew of this special mission he was about perform into another planet, he was excited, he always wanted to believe that Earth will start a war against another Sapient species, but this belief is laughed by everyone, still you never know what could caused the failure in the colony, so discussions of this type are short and cut by someone in the argument.