| - Ahatake had just woken up. The other's were still seemed asleep and he remembered the day before and his promise to fight Keiba. He walked down stairs to stretch his legs and saw that Ryuka was already down there. Ryuka looked over at Ahatake boredly. "Hey there, duck butt." He said, looking away. "Why are you awake?" Ahatake asked. "I figured you'd be asleep still." "Couldn't sleep..." Ryuka replied. "I'm a bit of an insomniac now-a-days..." He scratched the back of his head, messing up his already bed-ridden hair. "I see." Ahatake said. "Hey Ryuka. I wanted to know if I could fight Keiba now?" "Right now?" Ryuka asked, raising an eyebrow. "Well...I don't have any problems with it, since the whole 'truce' thing. But aren't you tired?" Ahatake held up a bean. "No." He said flatly. "....I hate you." Ryuka muttered. "Go right ahead." He lay down on the couch beside him. "Just in case I fall unconscious...." "You won't." Ahatake said. "I will." And Ahatake touched Ryuka's head and he fell unconscious. A startled Ryuka caught him, switching places with him on the couch. "Ok...that was unexpected...." He materialized in Ryuka's mindscape and it was different this time. It seemed like a large dirt plain. There were no trees anywhere, only large rock formations. The sky was an unusual color of orange and black. The clouds themselves seemed to be moving rapidly, as if moved by an unknown force. The area around them seemed more like a desert than anything. "Hi!" A voice chirped from behind Ahatake. Ahatake turned around and saw what appeared to be a boy.. "Hello." He said "You're looking for Keiba-nii-san, right?" The boy asked. "He should be here soon." "Who are you?" Ahatake asked? The boy smiled. "I'm Ryuka's inner spirit." He replied, bowing slightly. "And you're Ahatake-san, right?" "Yeah." Ahatake answered. "Let me ask you something. Keiba isn't all bad is he?" "Of course not!" The boy replied, leaning over. "But just between you and me, he's a bit socially challenged..." "I heard that, brat." Keiba snapped, as he slowly walked towards the two, Keibatsu slung over his shoulder. "Well well well." Ahatake said. "It's about time. I'm back like I promised." "Welcome back, Keiba-nii-san!" The boy greeted. Keiba merely shifted his head towards Ahatake. "I've been waitin'." He replied, smirking. "The only thing I hope....is that you can give me a better challenge than Ryuka did." Ahatake was already in front of Keiba and cut him with his blade. "I don't waste time, Keiba." Ahatake said jumping back and sending a red crescent at him. "I'll give you the fight of your life." Keiba smirked, as the cut instantly regenerated itself. He fired a cresent of his own, cancelling out Ahatake's. "I have to warn you...." He said tauntingly, as he re-appeared in front of Ahatake, swinging downwards. "I'm MUCH stronger than Ryuka EVER was!"