| - Bossk is a Trandoshan bounty hunter and antagonist from the Star Wars saga. He also appeared in Ezra's Gamble, a book which serves as a prequel to the animated television series, Star Wars Rebels.
- With the NGE, Bossk finally found his way into Star Wars: Galaxies. He now is a quest NPC who randomly spawns in the cantinas of Tatooine such as Mos Eisley and Bestine. Bossk is involved in the A Chance Meeting series of quests.
- He attends the bounty hunter gathering in Something, Something, Something, Dark Side. Darth Vader, played by Stewie Griffin, calls him "lizard man" and claims he saw him fight with Captain James T. Kirk, William Shatner's character from Star Trek.
- Bossk był trandoshańskim łowcą nagród. Darzył wielką nienawiścią Bobę Fetta, Chewbacce oraz Hana Solo za kilkukrotne upokorzenia, jakie spotkały go z ich strony. Znany był z kolekcjonowania futer zdartych z zabitych ofiar.
- One of the most feared bounty hunters of the galaxy, Bossk used his natural Trandoshan hunting instincts to capture his prey. During the Clone Wars, the red-eyed reptilian partnered with Aurra Sing, Castas and young Boba Fett. Bossk didn't care much for vendettas or politics. He was in it to get paid. After a brief stint in a Republic prison, Bossk continued his partnership with Fett, becoming a bodyguard to the teen bounty hunter. Decades later, Bossk answered Darth Vader's call to capture the Millennium Falcon after the Battle of Hoth, an assignment that put him in direct competition with Boba.
- Bossk was released in 2004 with the Rebel Storm set.
- Bossk var en hårdför prisjägare från Trandosha som först ägnade sig åt att leta upp förrymda slavar men som sedan gick över till att jobba åt Imperiet och jaga efterlysta personer. Bossk var en av de prisjägare som fick i uppdrag av Darth Vader hitta Årtusende falken och tillfångata dess besättning.
- Bossk was a male Trandoshan bounty hunter. He was hired by the Sith lord Darth Vader to capture Han Solo. Lego® released a Bossk minifigure, which was first included with the 8097 Slave I set. Bossk also appears in several Lego® Star Wars video games.
- Bossk was an Trandoshan bounty hunter that was born in the days of the Galactic Republic and who's name means "Devours his prey". He was the mentor for a young Boba Fett after his old mentor, Aurra Sing betrayed him and left him for dead. He would later become one of the greatest bounty hunters in the galaxy and work for the Galactic Empire often.
- Bossk is an Imperial Character featured in Star Wars Battlefront, he was added in the Death Star expansion pack.
- Bossk is a Trandoshan bounty hunter and a villain from the Star Wars franchise.
- Bossk is a Star Wars minifigure first introduced physically in 2010. Bossk also appeared in the video games LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga in 2006 and 2007.
- Bossk was één van de meest beduchte Bounty Hunters gedurende de Galactic Civil War. Hij ging in op de invitatie van Darth Vader om de Millennium Falcon te vangen in 3 ABY
- Bossk is a villain in Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 reMIX: Expansion. He is one of the bosses in A Galaxy Far, Far Away.
- Bossk is a Saurian bounty hunter who was the ex-pilot of the Dragonflys. He was particularly fired by Shao Kahn, laughed by Reptile. Despite the fact that Bossk loved to hunt and skin centaurs, he was known to be a friend of Motaro at some point. He was also a frequent partner and foe of both Greedo and Robinho, both fellow bounty hunters. After being repeatedly beaten by Robinho, Bossk would eventually boost his reputation as a bounty hunter by defeating him at Outworld Market.
- Bossk egy trandoshi fejvadász ,aki kedvét leli a vuki skalp gyüjtésben ésmindig elszántanvadászik csubakkára.Mikor Darth Vader összehívja a fejvadászokat ő is elmegy , hogy elfogadja amegbízást és élve elkapja Han Solót.
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- Bossk was some weird, lizard-faced thing in that movie Star Whores or something. And man, was he ugly. Sure, you think Nien Nunb and his "frilly face" push the boundaries of ugly, but you haven't seen atrocious until you've seen Bossk. The drooling bastard had some yellow-brown skin that looked more like vomit smeared all over his disgusting, scaly face. And to add on to his disturbing natural appearance he wore these disgusting yellow clothes that were entirely ugly and unfashionable. Just the mere sight of him has caused several people to die from over-vomiting (Over-vomiting didn't exist until someone puked non-stop for five minutes after seeing him). In other words, the guy was an ugly ass lizard with a body shaped strangely like a human.
- [Source] Bossk était un puissant chasseur de primes Trandoshan détestant les Wookiees, en particulier Chewbacca. Il était souvent employé par l'Empire Galactique ou par des organisations criminelles, Bossk est devenu un rival de Boba Fett bien qu'il fut son garde du corps durant la Guerre des Clones.
- Bossk was a male Trandoshan bounty hunter and the son of Cradossk who was known for hunting Wookiees. During the Clone Wars, Bossk worked alongside fellow hunters Aurra Sing and Castas to mentor the orphaned Boba Fett. Their scheme to kill Fett's hated enemy Mace Windu resulted in Fett and Bossk's arrest. After a stint in prison, Bossk worked in Fett's syndicate of bounty hunters, taking jobs for clients including Otua Blank and Asajj Ventress.
- Bossk è un cacciatore di taglie famoso in tutta la galassia, estremamente rude, avido e interessato solo ai crediti. Viene da Trandosha e si è messo al servizio di Darth Vader nella caccia al Millennium Falcon di Han Solo. Ha svolto numerose missioni per conto di Tyber Zann ed era un rappresentante della Gilda dei Cacciatori di Taglie. La Hound’s Tooth è la sua nave personale. È equipaggiato con un lanciafiamme ed un lanciagranate sul campo di battaglia ma ha anche numerosi strumenti per effettuare lavori più accurati.
- Bossk - Trandoshański łowca nagród. Jak każdy członek jego rasy nie lubił Wookieech. Ani żywych, ani ugotowanych, ani przypieczonych. Syn Cradosska i Trandoshanki znanej jedynie jako matka Bosska. Swoje imię zawdzięcza temu, że kiedy się urodził, jego ojciec powiedział: "Ale Bossko" (ale że Bossko nie za bardzo pasowało, został Bosskiem). Był bardzo utalentowanym łowcą nagród, wygrywał niebagatelne sumy w teleturniejach, aż w końcu szczęście się od niego odwróciło. Przepadł w Milionerach na pytaniu za milion kredytów, które brzmiało: "Czy Balcerowicz to: a) pseudonim Palpatine'a, b) jeden z Jedi żyjących w okresie Wojen Klonów, c) baleron z Wookieego, d) bal krawców". Bossk, który, jak było wspomniane, nie lubił Wookiech, dał odpowiedź c. Po przegranej imał się różnych zajęć, między innymi
- Okolo roku 0 ABY chvíľu pracoval pre Jabba, ktorý mu dal veľmi náročná úloha a to zabiť Luka Skywalkera. Bosska sa to ale takmer podarilo. Luka so svojím spojencom prepadol, omráčil a spútal. Luke sa ale pomocou svojho svetelného meča z pút dostal a utiekol. Počas úteku Luke Bosska odsekol ruku a nohu, však tandoršané sú rasou plazov a tak mu onedlho končatiny dorástli späť. Za jeho neúspech ho Jabba nechal zvrhnúť do Sarlaccovi jamy. Z tej sa ale Bossk dostal a prežil. Neskôr, počas vojny s Yuuzhan Vong (keď už námezdní lovcom nebol), skončil ako zajatec na jednej z hviezdnych stanicou, ktorá bola počas jeho pobytu zničená. Pri výbuchu ale došlo k vypusteniu záchranného modulu, v ktorom mohol byť práve Bossk.
- Bossk war ein Trandoshaner, der vor allem als Kopfgeldjäger gewisse Berühmtheit erlangte. Er war der Sohn von Cradossk, dem ehemaligen Oberhaupt der Kopfgeldjäger-Gilde und war einer der Kopfgeldjäger, die von Darth Vader nach der Schlacht von Hoth auf Han Solo angesetzt wurden. Neben dieser Tätigkeit übte Bossk auch das traditionell trandoshanische Handwerk des Wookiee-Pelzjägers aus.
- Bossk fue un cazarrecompensas trandoshano y el hijo de Cradossk, quien era conocido por cazar wookiees. Durante las Guerras Clon, Bossk trabajó junto a los cazarrecompensas Aurra Sing y Castas para guiar al joven huérfano Boba Fett. Su plan para matar al odiado enemigo de Fett, el Maestro Jedi Mace Windu resultó en el arresto de Fett y Bossk. Tras un breve tiempo en la cárcel, Bossk trabajó en el Sindicato de cazarrecompensas de Boba Fett, trabajando para clientes como Otua Blank y Asajj Ventress.