| - Garyn Fel'zev was born about five years before Battle of Yavin. He grew up normally - in accordance with the situation, of course - with two oddities: his eyes were green, and he remembered everything. The situation was called eidetic memory, also known as photographic memory. Anything he saw, felt, heard, smelled, or tasted, he remembered in exquisite detail. It took several hard lessons for him to learn that his memory was no replacement for logical reasoning.Family
| - Garyn Fel'zev was born about five years before Battle of Yavin. He grew up normally - in accordance with the situation, of course - with two oddities: his eyes were green, and he remembered everything. The situation was called eidetic memory, also known as photographic memory. Anything he saw, felt, heard, smelled, or tasted, he remembered in exquisite detail. It took several hard lessons for him to learn that his memory was no replacement for logical reasoning. Like most others in his generation, Garyn grew to enjoy close-ranged fighting, be it melee or unarmed. He was by no means the best hunter, but could feed himself at need. Combined with his memory and his methods of moving through the forested areas, he was placed into a scouting position: he'd find the differences and determine their meaning, then work with the others to do what was needed. It was on one of these scouting trips that he discovered the humans. Under thread of severe punishment, he was instructed to tell nobody about them. This he followed. What he didn't obey was the order to not go looking for them again: he was reprimanded numerous times for excessive time away from the island. Eventually the felinoid found their cities and one of the spaceports. Not understanding what was going on, he ultimately sneaked onboard one of the "flying boats". He had with him a knife (by his standards, a small sword by other species') and a change of clothes. It wasn't long before he was discovered - he was kicked off at the next port. There he quickly learned several hard lessons about the way the galaxy operated. Lessons firmly in mind, Garyn set out to learn about the galaxy, and ended up making his way to Yavin VIII to try and join the Jedi Order.Family
The Schenor species was from Rhamsis Callo. However, they were extremely bent on the issue of honor. Some long amount of time ago - the dates had never been recorded - the entire Fel'zev clan had been exiled from Rhamsis Callo because its leadership performed acts considered dishonorable. After nearly a year of traveling, the clan settled on the planet O'reen. Despite being forgotten by the Republic, those inhabiting O'reen were still alive, and heavily militant. The clan would never have survived on O'reen had the elders not secretly struck a deal with the leaders of O'reen society. They could claim control of an island and some of the area around it, far away from the human population. Should the need arise however, they would have to fight at the command of the Magnus. The elders intensified the hunting-gathering habits and strongly encouraged interest in combat of all types along with a somewhat regimented lifestyle. Garyn's parents were killed while he was a small child, so he was raised by the clan at large. This is the reason he carries the surname of Fel'zev instead of one of a family surname.