| - Thyferra: Tefa City - Promenade North An impeccable avenue of polished stone runs from east-to-west, the most important axis on the planet, and is bisected by another that leads north to the planet's spaceport. In the west, the boulevard is protected by a canopy of ancient trees and leads forth to the residential sectors. To the east looms the hubris and grandeur of the administrative centre of Thyferra. And here, in the middle, is the central market for everything on the planet. Almost anything imaginable might be bought or sold here in a given day, but most commerce revolves around the bacta trade that sustains the planet. As the citizens like to joke, the government likes to keep the credits flowing east and not west. The buildings in the area look to be constructed of native stone, testament to the ancient wealth of the planet. Ishi Tib are omnipresent, going about their lives at the usual stately pace, but the presence of offworlders in the area is not altogether unlikely, especially as one approaches the spaceport. Standing outside the spaceport, within the streets of the city proper, stands Aidus. A rank of clones stand behind him but surely this is not all of them. The rest are hiding themselves in doorways and in alleys waiting for their master to give the command to attack. The chaos that had met the clones when they had invaded is gone. There are no screams of women and children, no males herding their families to safety. No, the streets seem to be diserted as a strange silence has discended upon the city. Obviously, the arrival of Republic landing craft gave away the sense that a battle was to be fought soon. The smart had fled the city to the fields and surrounding villages. Those that weren't as smart now were held hostage in their own homes hoping that a wayward bolt did not silence them forever. It's not secret that the Republic is coming. Oh no. The dropship has landed some time ago, and soldiers have moved quickly to secure the perimeter with the assurance that, overhead at least, they are covered. Only now do they begin to move, the massive form of an armored tank taking the lead. The space to funnel from the spaceport and into the Promenade is not large, and they move in neat, disciplined ranks, weapons held at the ready. Their bootsteps pound with rhythmic force in the silence, and a female voice - strong and loud - calls from the back as the first clones are sighted. "Guard, engage!" Weapons lower menacingly. At the fore of the Republic ranks towers a tall man in a tan tunic and trousers, green eyes firm and steady as he walks close to the hulking shape of the tank. This man is different from those surrounding; not just in his uniform, but in his bearing, holding himself with a strong and silent confidence that would seem almost arrogant to some, and simply calm to others. As Anakin Skywalker ironically walks (on the ground), his right hand falls to his left side, a thin cylinder of steel pulled from his belt. With a loud hiss, a blade of purple light shoots out from it, energy crackling through the air. COMBAT: Anakin Skywalker ignites his purple lightsaber. Aidus nods to the clones behind them and raises his hand. Smiling that causes his white face to look predatory. His dark red eyes narrow as he brings it forward. The clones behind him rush forward past him. Others emerge from the doorways nearby. They all rush forward. Behind them the bald man trots, black force pike in hand he is angling towards the Jedi. Today was going to be interesting then. The clones rush towards the tank. They move quickly as does their master, "Come brothers! Let us show these infidels what you can do! Show your father how much you will give for his planet!!" A colossal explosion rips through Thyferra: Tefa City - Spaceport. Republic Officer 20 rolls the big 'ol tank up in front. Inside he smokes a fat cigar, that's halfway-finished, which he keeps clamped between his teeth. The tanks targetting systems go active as he arms the weaponry. "Hold onto your butts!" Black Fleet 12 rallies up the gang of clones. "Look to your right. Look to your left. What do you clones see? Yourself! That's right men. We're fighting here for each other, for brotherhood, for camraderie. These fools before us only fight for themselves, so we are assured of a certain victory!" He waves his pistol about heroically. Black Fleet 15 lets the other fellow do all the exhorting. Peering at the advancing army, he gazes backwards at potential fall-back positions. He wonders, "Uh, where in the hell is our damned air support?" It's difficult to make out a commanding officer in a flood of troops, and Briseis is no exception. The petite Guard officer is lost among the throngs who move forward, rushing into place to lower their weapons and take aim. From somewhere near the back, a female voice shouts encouragement and orders, urging them forward. Ferox Cohort 1 is the first to arrive. The clones are rushing towards the tank when they smell at first then sight the advancing troopers. They smile to themselves and let out a predatory howl as they rush forward ignoring the tank now for the ground soldiers. They decend on the Guard like a pack of dogs. Their claws extended those that make it to them unleash their fury. The Black Emancipators 17 <250 of 252 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 <250 of 250 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 17 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 17: 101 killed. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1: 36 killed. COMSYS: A smooth, young female voice says, "Terienn to Republic forces. Our armor reports possible contact with the enemy reserve forces. At Promenade West Confirming estimated numbers of enemy now..." COMSYS: A smooth, young female voice says, "ro13=This is Terienn. Can you estimate the number of enemy units?" COMSYS: Briseis says, "Karakas at Promenade North. We are engaging the enemy and -- Difficult to estimate, they're funneling through. Bomb went off in the spaceport." Perhaps noticing the attention one of the Imperium leaders directs towards him, Anakin turns slightly and leans into a faster pace, the blade of purple light clenched in his fist whirring dangerously. As the two armies crash together Anakin picks up the pace even more, calm and placid as he advances on Aidus, blade swinging. COMBAT: Anakin Skywalker swings his purple lightsaber at Aidus! COMBAT: Aidus tries to parry with his Black Force Pike, but Anakin Skywalker's purple lightsaber hits and shreds him. Aidus collapses, critically injured. The bald, chalk white head of Aidus can be seen bobbing in the sea of clones. As he moves forward he is spots the jedi coming at him. Raising his force pike he smirks as they are about to colide. Raising his pike to parry the lightsaber, he is not quick enough as it bypasses him and strikes him. The blade slices through his armor and down his chest. The burning sensation is immense. Everything seems to be moving in slow motion now. Still standing he looks down at the gash in his armor. Shaking his head the pain now registers sending his body into shock. He collapses on the ground in a heap. Eyes closed as he seems to be out to the world around him. From RGEF Armor 003, The tank rolls on as combat begins. Its massive gun turns on the clones as they charge forward. A bolt of energy pounds towards them! From inside, the officer yells, "Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!!" From RGEF Armor 003, COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 fires RGEF Armor 003's Heavy Turret Blasters at Black Emancipators 17! COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 fires RGEF Armor 003's Heavy Turret Blasters at Black Emancipators 17! COMBAT: Black Emancipators 17 dodges RGEF Armor 003's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Black Emancipators 17 attack RGEF Armor 003 with their Spined Clawss! COMBAT: RGEF Armor 003 cannot evade, and Black Emancipators 17's Spined Claws hits and damages RGEF Armor 003. COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires his Naval Officer's Pistol at Anakin Skywalker! COMBAT: Anakin Skywalker deflects Black Fleet 12's blaster bolt back into Black Fleet 12, wounding him. Black Fleet 12 takes careful careful precise aim at the Jedi, no doubt swearing vengeance against the only visible Republic Officer. "Have at you!" He sends a blaster bolt off across the promenade, but the Jedi sends it right back to him, blasting the poor officer right in his heroic shoulder. "Why I never! You cad!", he proclaims. The soldiers of the Guard are brave ones, and they hold their ground as the clones fall on them. Weapons lower and fire their fury at the clones. The streets are quiet no longer - indeed, they light up with the sounds of blasterfire and the cries of men and women running high on adrenaline. The soldiers of the Guard are brave ones, and they hold their ground as the clones fall on them. Weapons lower and fire their fury at the clones. The streets are quiet no longer - indeed, they light up with the sounds of blasterfire and the cries of men and women running high on adrenaline. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 to engage the Black Emancipators 17. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 <120 of 213 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 17 <120 of 150 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 17 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1: 21 killed. Black Emancipators 17: 45 killed. COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 fires his Merr Sonn TM8 Repeater at Briseis! COMBAT: Briseis tries to dodge, but Black Fleet 15's blaster bolt hits and lightly wounds her. Black Fleet 15 takes aim at the mass combat, selecting one of the guards in the struggle.. as soon as he has a clear shot, he opens up with his blaster, "Take them down! Death to the Republic!" The clones have infiltrated the group of guards. They are now roaving from target to target...the ones that haven't been killed yet that is. They ignore the blast from the tank as it is no matter. If they want to fire into their own men that is for them to decide. The blast from the tank throws dirt onto a clone as it is ontop of a downed Guardsmen. It's claws digging into the armor. The Black Emancipators 17 <104 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 <120 of 191 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 17 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 17: 47 killed. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1: 17 killed. His foe dealt with, Anakin turns just in time to see a blaster bolt coming towards him; he reacts quickly, blade just catching the bolt and reflecting it back into the mass of clones. His feet follow the path of the blaster bolt, purple blade swinging. COMBAT: Anakin Skywalker swings his purple lightsaber at Black Fleet 12! COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 tries to dodge, but Anakin Skywalker's purple lightsaber strikes and seriously wounds him. Laying there passed out, Aidus continues to seem oblivious to the world. If you didn't know better and couldn't see the massive burn and gash over his chest you might think he was actually sleeping in the middle of the battle. His force pike is still gripped in his hand. From RGEF Armor 003, The tank misses.. and gets scratched!? "Geroff my tank!!" the driver demands, launching another blaster bolt at the clones. From RGEF Armor 003, COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 fires RGEF Armor 003's Heavy Turret Blasters at Black Emancipators 17! COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 fires RGEF Armor 003's Heavy Turret Blasters at Black Emancipators 17! COMBAT: Black Emancipators 17 tries to dodge, but RGEF Armor 003's blaster bolt hits and kills eight of them. COMBAT: Black Emancipators 17 attack RGEF Armor 003 with their Spined Clawss! COMBAT: RGEF Armor 003 cannot evade, and Black Emancipators 17's Spined Claws hits and dents RGEF Armor 003. Black Fleet 12 gets tired of the Jedi in a hurry and triggers his comsys. COMSYS: Black Fleet 12 says, "Marshal Aidus is down, repeat Marshal Aidus is down. Jedi attack. Attempting to evac." Black Fleet 12 tasks a couple of nearby clones. "You men, grab that officer and fall back. I'll cover you." He moves over in that direction, ready to shoot anyone who comes nearby. The clones, loyal to the end, do as commanded. Aidus is hefted up and the clones start to advance rearward. COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 fires his Merr Sonn TM8 Repeater at Anakin Skywalker's head! COMBAT: Anakin Skywalker tries to parry with his purple lightsaber, but Black Fleet 15's blaster bolt hits and shreds his head. Tied up in, y'know, fighting clones, Anakin does not see a blaster bolt coming right for his face until the last moment; he turns just in time to keep all of the important organs up there, the bolt blasting across his forehead. Stumbling, the Jedi falls to one knee and pushes himself backwards into the Republic troops, eyes closing tightly in pain. Black Fleet 15 lines up his shot while the jedi is distracted with chopping up his comrade, "Get the commander out of here! Leave the Jedi to me!" Despite the dangers of firing a repeating blaster into close combat, he opens up! When the Jedi retreats, he calls, "That's their general! Press them harder, clones, push them back!" From RGEF Armor 003, The tank wheels forward, aiming its big gun at the clones again. A red beam of energy lashes out at them, targetting their center-column, or area. From RGEF Armor 003, COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 fires RGEF Armor 003's Heavy Turret Blasters at Black Emancipators 17! COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 fires RGEF Armor 003's Heavy Turret Blasters at Black Emancipators 17! COMBAT: Black Emancipators 17 tries to dodge, but RGEF Armor 003's blaster bolt hits and kills four of them. COMBAT: Black Emancipators 17 attack RGEF Armor 003 with their Spined Clawss! COMBAT: RGEF Armor 003 is not damaged by Black Emancipators 17's attack. As the clones surge forward, the ordely ranks of the Guards break and fighting becomes something more like chaos. Blaster bolts fire this way and that, and it's more than one soldier is hit by friendly fire. A fierce call from the back orders, "Form up! Hold ranks, Guards, and watch your fire!" In the midst of the chaos, a blaster bolt slices through the mass of soldiers surrounding her, and even at the back of the the cohort where she's difficult to find, it catches her across the chest and she hisses inward in pain and then moves forward, working her way slowly through the troops with the occasional report from her repeater. Her gaze whips toward the retreating clones and their Marshall and she shouts, "Press forward, move on, do /not let them escape/!" Behind her, the steady boots of the second cohort pound the pavement to join their comrades. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 to engage the Black Emancipators 17. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 <120 of 173 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 17 <45 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 17 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1: 8 killed. Black Emancipators 17: 41 killed. The clones continue to fight on. They are falling left and right but they continue. There are more clones waiting, but they seem to know instinctively to wait for the retreat now. They turn and head back towards the civic dome. The Black Emancipators 17 <4 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 <120 of 165 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 17 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 17: unit eliminated. The remaining fighters disperse. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1: 1 wounded. COMSYS: Black Fleet 12 says, "All troops, regroup. We're falling back to the Civic Dome. Say again. Regroup and fall back to Civic Dome." Black Fleet 12 relays another set of orders through the comsys, still backpedalling to cover Aidus' evac. The clones are moving as fast as they can, trying to get him away. Black Twelve, as he likes to be called, must suspect that the tank is giving him the stink eye, so he takes a pot shot at it. COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires his Naval Officer's Pistol at RGEF Armor 003! COMBAT: RGEF Armor 003 is not damaged by Black Fleet 12's blaster bolt. From RGEF Armor 003, DINK! Black Fleet 15 hurries backwards as well, firing to cover his own retreat before the advancing army. He, too, shoots at the largest target - the tank! COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 fires his Merr Sonn TM8 Repeater at RGEF Armor 003! COMBAT: RGEF Armor 003 cannot evade, and Black Fleet 15's blaster bolt hits and scratches it. From RGEF Armor 003, The tank gets hit. A scorch mark on the side! Alas. The Guard press forward, and now there's a roar of triumph as they drive the clones back toward the dome. Behind them, the commanding voice calls encouragement, and as they swell forward past Anakin her gaze drops only briefly to note the fallen Jedi and then bark sharp orders to get him back to safety. A pair of Guard soldiers are fast to obey. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 to engage the Black Emancipators 18. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 <120 of 164 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 18 <120 of 133 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 18 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1: 21 killed. Black Emancipators 18: 41 killed. The clones are falling back. Some are hit in the back and go down. The rest enter the civic dome ahead of the officers. There is a strange silence now as the Dome's wall muffle the sounds of clones. From RGEF Armor 003, The tank rolls over and squishes fallen clones, squirting out blood as it slumps to the side. Its weapon systems target the retreating clones, aiming for their backsides. "Say hello to my little friend!" the officer shouts. From RGEF Armor 003, COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 fires RGEF Armor 003's Heavy Turret Blasters at Black Emancipators 18! COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 fires RGEF Armor 003's Heavy Turret Blasters at Black Emancipators 18! COMBAT: Black Emancipators 18 tries to dodge, but RGEF Armor 003's blaster bolt hits and kills three of them. COMBAT: Black Emancipators 18 attack RGEF Armor 003 with their Spined Clawss! COMBAT: RGEF Armor 003 cannot evade, and Black Emancipators 18's Spined Claws hits and dents RGEF Armor 003. Black Fleet 12 keeps falling back towards the Civic center, covering the handful of clones evacuating Marshal Aidus. "Keep at it, clones. We're almost to the dome." He takes a shot at anyone who looks remotely like an officer, perhaps a different shade of hat. COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires his Naval Officer's Pistol at Briseis! Thyferra: Civic Dome - Atrium The Ishi Tib, drunk off their own prosperity, chose to situate their government in the tallest building upon the planet. And to highlight their own grandeur, they also decided to substitute a dome in place of a standard roof. The dome allows for a small opening at its centre, so that light may enter, and, joke the few militarists on the planet, so that missiles might be shot outward. The vast space is intended to invoke a feeling of awe, since it so thoroughly dwarfs everything in its vicinity. The floors appear to be fashioned out of a decadent strain of marble, and banners of purple and gold hang the length of the walls. In the centre of the room is a circular dais bearing the crest of the Coalition of Thyferran Plantations. Around it, the Ishi Tib conduct most of their democratic business. But in normal times, citizens use the building as a causeway between the Bacta Exchange to the North and the Bank of Thyferra to the easy. The untrained observer would immediately conclude that the Thyferrans are far more eager for public profit than for public participation. COMBAT: Briseis tries to dodge, but Black Fleet 12's blaster bolt hits and lightly wounds her. Black Fleet 12 does a fist pump. "Ha! I zinged that one!" He keeps duck walking backwards. "Fall back, fall back." Black Fleet 15, who has beem aiming at the tank as he fell back, fires at the officer who is foolish enough to leave it's protection, "Where's your cannon now, hunh?" After firing, he retreats to the Dome with the others. As the clones have retreated they come running in to now take up the first rank of what can be seen is row after row of clones. They are all wild and ready for battle. Seeing their master being dragged in they wait for the Guard to enter and then swarm forward. Racing around the retreating officers they attack. COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 fires his Merr Sonn TM8 Repeater at Republic Officer 20! COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 raises his Naval Officer's Pistol to fire, but Black Fleet 15's blaster bolt hits and shreds him, destroying Republic Officer 20's Grey Naval Officer's Uniform.. The officer gets shot in the chest and scowls. "My uniform!" he yells as he falls back, and lands on some rubble. He trips backwards, of course, behind some cover and lays there. He doesn't get up. The clones surge forward. The ones that had retreated and are now at the fore attack the troops that had been following them in. They are wild animals now. Their master is not conscious so they have no one to control their rage. The Black Emancipators 18 <89 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 <143 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 18 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 18: 55 killed. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1: 15 killed. The Black Emancipators 18 <33 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 <127 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 18 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 18: unit eliminated. The remaining fighters disperse. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1: 6 killed. Briseis doesn't look anything like an officer - in the crowd, all hats are the same, all armor identical. Only the voice identifies her, urging them forward and onward. It cuts off abruptly as another blasterbolt catches her and she pauses for a moment in the flood of soldiers before pushing forward once more. The first cohort, victims to the first attack, falls back to secure the area while the second, full of fresh faces, flooda into the civic dome after the clones. They waste no time in attacking. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 to engage the Black Emancipators 11. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 <250 of 250 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 11 <235 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 11 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2: 50 killed. Black Emancipators 11: 55 killed. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 to engage the Black Emancipators 11. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 <199 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 11 <179 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 11 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2: 42 killed. Black Emancipators 11: 38 killed. Black Fleet 12 curses as the Cohorts keep piling in. "This is why we can't have nice things!" He runs over to the defense turret and starts hurriedly inputting commands, trying to tell it what to do. Black Fleet 12 boards Defense Turret 47. From Defense Turret 47, Black Fleet 12 comes aboard from Thyferra: Civic Dome - Atrium. Black Fleet 12 has left. From Defense Turret 47, COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires Defense Turret 47's Medium Blaster Cannon at Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1! COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires Defense Turret 47's Medium Blaster Cannon at Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1! COMBAT: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 tries to dodge, but Defense Turret 47's blaster bolt hits and kills two of them. COMBAT: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1 fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Defense Turret 47! COMBAT: Defense Turret 47 is not damaged by Legion II Ferox - Cohort 1's blaster bolt. From Defense Turret 47, Black Fleet 12 gets the command override working and starts going to town. The targeting routines are a bit messed up, the officer shoots troops that are not even present. "Take that one for the clonery!" Black Fleet 15 fires at the republic officer, who is still in his line of sight, "Hah, now we've got the cannon! This world will never be yours!" COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 fires his Merr Sonn TM8 Repeater at Republic Officer 20! COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 dodges Black Fleet 15's blaster bolt. The Republic officer takes aim at the Black officer from behind his cover. "Die, rebel SCUM!" A red bolt fires from his blaster. COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 fires his Naval Officer's Pistol at Black Fleet 15! COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 tries to dodge, but Republic Officer 20's blaster bolt hits and grievously wounds him. Black Fleet 15 is struck! "Augh!" The clones continue to push forward, jumping over their fallen brothers they press on their attack. They wade into the enemy. The Black Emancipators 11 <140 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 <157 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 11 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 11: 60 killed. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2: 25 killed. The Black Emancipators 11 <80 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 <131 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 11 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 11: 48 killed. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2: 13 killed. The Guard rushes forward with a massive growl, clambering over dead clones and their goo to aim blasterfire with deadly force. A few turn to take out a rushing clone with a nasty jab of the butt of their blaster or a closed, armored fist. A fierce roar rises. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 to engage the Black Emancipators 11. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 <118 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 11 <32 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 11 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2: 6 killed. Black Emancipators 11: unit eliminated. The remaining fighters disperse. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 to engage the Black Emancipators 12. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 <112 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 12 <250 of 251 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 12 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2: 52 killed. Black Emancipators 12: 24 killed. From Defense Turret 47, COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires Defense Turret 47's Medium Blaster Cannon at Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2! COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires Defense Turret 47's Medium Blaster Cannon at Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2! COMBAT: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 tries to dodge, but Defense Turret 47's blaster bolt hits and wounds a member of them. COMBAT: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Defense Turret 47! COMBAT: Defense Turret 47 cannot evade, and Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2's blaster bolt hits and gashes it. From Defense Turret 47, Black Fleet 12 has already went to town, so he remains in town from the comfort of the defense turret. The medium blaster cannon therein goes into overdrive, unleashing a furious fury of whining bolts, positively tearing up the second cohort. Why, one man is even injured by the sheer power of the turret. Injured, I say. "Let that be a lesson to you fools!", the officer cackles. Black Fleet 15 fighting past the pain of his wound, the officer keeps firing at his chosen target, "Oppressor! You shall not grind this world under the heel of your oligarchy!" COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 fires his Merr Sonn TM8 Repeater at Republic Officer 20! COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 dodges Black Fleet 15's blaster bolt. The Republic soldier laughs as the Clones are torn apart, and the Black Officer misses. "You're the worst shot I've seen since Nash Dragen!" he calls back. He takes aim again, and fires. COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 fires his Naval Officer's Pistol at Black Fleet 15! COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 tries to dodge, but Republic Officer 20's blaster bolt hits and lightly wounds him. The clones continue to flow forward. They pour towards the troops. The Black Emancipators 12 <226 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 <59 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 12 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 12: 22 killed. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2: 38 killed. The Black Emancipators 12 <203 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 <20 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 12 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 12: 6 killed. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 2: unit eliminated. The remaining fighters disperse. "Fall back! Second, fall back!" The call rises from the entrance to the Civic Dome as more soldiers rush forward to replace their fallen comrades. The last soldiers of the second cohort, badly torn and almost completely destroyed, cycle out to be replaced by the third, fresh soldiers eager and violent and ready to destroy what clones they can. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 to engage the Black Emancipators 12. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 <250 of 250 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 12 <196 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 12 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3: 34 killed. Black Emancipators 12: 83 killed. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 to engage the Black Emancipators 12. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 <215 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 12 <112 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 12 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3: 19 killed. Black Emancipators 12: 78 killed. From Defense Turret 47, COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires Defense Turret 47's Medium Blaster Cannon at Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3! COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires Defense Turret 47's Medium Blaster Cannon at Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3! COMBAT: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 tries to dodge, but Defense Turret 47's blaster bolt hits and kills one of them. COMBAT: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Defense Turret 47! COMBAT: Defense Turret 47 cannot evade, and Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3's blaster bolt hits and gashes it. From Defense Turret 47, Black Fleet 12 swivels the fearsome turret about, mowing down the opposing troops with abandon. "The cost of victory will be too steep for you lot to pursue, and it is also beyond your grasp entirely, since you are doomed to not be victorious." This is what the man says, all right, even though the whine of blaster bolts make it a bit tough to follow the rambling. One of the bolts connects and tears through a Cohort soldier. Black Fleet 15 aims and fires at the republic officer, "I'll get you yet, you.. you republican!" COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 fires his Merr Sonn TM8 Repeater at Republic Officer 20! COMBAT: Republic Officer 20 tries to dodge, but Black Fleet 15's blaster bolt hits and moderately wounds him. The Republic officer gets shot, and falls to the ground. There he lays, holding onto his arm and breathing heavily. Alas! He does not get up. The clones continue to press forward fighting on in the face of death. The Black Emancipators 12 <33 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 <195 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 12 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 12: unit eliminated. The remaining fighters disperse. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3: 5 killed. The Black Emancipators 13 <250 of 262 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 <190 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 13 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 13: 65 killed. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3: 45 killed. Aidus on the other hand is taken in the arms of one of clones at the rear. He looks lovingly at his master. Shaking his head he runs towards a back entrance taking his leader to safety. As the clones continue, so too does the Guard, pressing ever-inward. A few growl their fury and attempt to press toward the retreating Marshal, but the clones before them are too great. Blasterfire resounds in the large space. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 to engage the Black Emancipators 13. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 <145 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 13 <196 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 13 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3: 37 killed. Black Emancipators 13: 50 killed. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 to engage the Black Emancipators 13. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 <108 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 13 <146 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 13 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3: 27 killed. Black Emancipators 13: 41 killed. From Defense Turret 47, COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires Defense Turret 47's Medium Blaster Cannon at Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3! COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires Defense Turret 47's Medium Blaster Cannon at Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3! COMBAT: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 tries to dodge, but Defense Turret 47's blaster bolt hits and kills one of them. COMBAT: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Defense Turret 47! COMBAT: Defense Turret 47 is not damaged by Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3's blaster bolt. From Defense Turret 47, Black Fleet 12 keeps up a steady steady stream of blaster bolts, mowing down the Legion Cohorts one at a time. Steady steady. "Boom! Headshot!", says the officer, enjoying his career. Black Fleet 15's target having apparently gone down, the wounded black officer selects another one, firing at a guardsman even as he calls out encouragement to the clones, "Crush them! Drive them back!" COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 fires his Merr Sonn TM8 Repeater at Briseis! Defense options: +PASS - +DODGE - +QUICKSHOT COMBAT: Briseis dodges Black Fleet 15's blaster bolt. Republic Officer 20 lays there, all dead and stuff. Sort of like Duke Nukem', but with a better haircut. Flurry of attacks from the clones on troops. The Black Emancipators 13 <105 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 <79 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 13 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 13: 26 killed. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3: 18 killed. The Black Emancipators 13 <78 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 <60 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 13 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 13: 21 killed. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3: 14 killed. Ditto, Guards on clones, as cohort 4 arrives. Backup! You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 to engage the Black Emancipators 13. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 <250 of 250 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 13 <56 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 13 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4: 9 killed. Black Emancipators 13: unit eliminated. The remaining fighters disperse. From Defense Turret 47, COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires Defense Turret 47's Medium Blaster Cannon at Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3! COMBAT: Black Fleet 12 fires Defense Turret 47's Medium Blaster Cannon at Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3! COMBAT: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 tries to dodge, but Defense Turret 47's blaster bolt hits and kills four of them. COMBAT: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Defense Turret 47! COMBAT: Defense Turret 47 is not damaged by Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3's blaster bolt. Pew pew pew pew pew pew pew! "Ha! You four are lined up perfectly!", proclaims the officer, and sure enough, death and destruction are unleashed like so many blaster bolts. COMSYS: A smooth, young female voice says, "Terienn to Republic Forces. Be advised, Black forces have swarmed and captured our armor and are now attempting to retreat with it." You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 to engage the Black Emancipators 14. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 <240 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 14 <239 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 14 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4: 54 killed. Black Emancipators 14: 51 killed. Black Fleet 15 keeps firing at the officer he's targetted, "We'll get them yet! Keep pressing them!" COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 fires his Merr Sonn TM8 Repeater at Briseis! COMSYS: Briseis says, "Karakas reporting. We are driving back the clones, they appear to be attempting to retreat with their Marshal. Will provide aid if possible." COMBAT: Briseis dodges Black Fleet 15's blaster bolt. Clones ravage and pillage troops as more fall to the blaster bolts. The Black Emancipators 14 <187 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 <42 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 14 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 14: 15 killed. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3: 34 killed. The Black Emancipators 14 <172 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 <8 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 14 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 14: 3 killed. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 3: unit eliminated. The remaining fighters disperse. Guards push forward with a mighty roar! You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 to engage the Black Emancipators 14. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 <185 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 14 <169 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 14 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4: 29 killed. Black Emancipators 14: 70 killed. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 to engage the Black Emancipators 14. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 <156 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 14 <98 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 14 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4: 18 killed. Black Emancipators 14: 53 killed. From Defense Turret 47, Defense Turret 47 moves in position to block Glass Door. From Defense Turret 47, Black Fleet 12 sees the Marshal has moved clear and starts programming the turret to cover the escape route. Tap tap tap tap tap, furious keystrokes are entered. Black Fleet 15 starts to move back himself, trying to get covered by the turret. He keeps up firing at the guard officer! COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 fires his Merr Sonn TM8 Repeater at Briseis! COMBAT: Briseis tries to dodge, but Black Fleet 15's blaster bolt hits and maims her. The floor of the civic dome is littered with bodies of clone and Republic soldier alike. A river of blood flows 'downhill'. But still the fighting continues. The Black Emancipators 14 <45 Clones> engage the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 <137 Humans> in mass combat. The Black Emancipators 14 charge, Spined Clawss at the ready ... The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... CASUALTIES: Black Emancipators 14: unit eliminated. The remaining fighters disperse. Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4: 7 killed. The Guards are bloody and battered, bruised, but not beaten. As their officer falls, caught by stray blaster fire, the remaining guards push forward to attack the turret with a wild cry. You command Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 to attack Defense Turret 47. COMBAT: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Defense Turret 47! COMBAT: Defense Turret 47 is not damaged by Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4's blaster bolt. Black Fleet 12 dives out of the turret, kicking it shut behind him. It closes with a loud click! "We're out of clones, fall back, fall back!", says the officer, as he starts for the exit. Black Fleet 15 retreats as well, "Let's go! We need more clones!" COMSYS: Black Fleet 12 says, "Civic Arena overrun, request immediate reinforcements. Reform outside for counterattack." COMBAT: Black Fleet 15 puts away his Merr Sonn TM8 Repeater. Black Fleet 15 gives his Merr Sonn TM8 Repeater to Aidus. Black Fleet 12 advances rearward to a victorious retreat! Black Fleet 12 says, "Flee towards victory! Flee!" Black Fleet 15 says, "For victory!" As the Black Forces retreat, the Guards surge forward, killing the last few clones who remain alive with viciousness. There is no mercy here. There is only grim work as they work to retake the civic center and rush aid to their fallen comrades and officers. Black Fleet 12 and the other officers make their way to the predefined egress points and retreat to fight another day. Terienn arrives from Thyferra: Tefa City - Promenade North. Legion XIII Carnifex - Cohort 1 arrives from Thyferra: Tefa City - Promenade North. Legion XIII Carnifex - Cohort 2 arrives from Thyferra: Tefa City - Promenade North. Legion XIII Carnifex - Cohort 3 arrives from Thyferra: Tefa City - Promenade North. Garykl arrives from Thyferra: Tefa City - Promenade North. You order the Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 to engage the Black Emancipators 16. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 <130 Humans> engage the Black Emancipators 16 <3 Clones> in mass combat. The Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4 open fire with BlasTech E10 Carbines ... The Black Emancipators 16 counterattack with Spined Clawss ... CASUALTIES: Legion II Ferox - Cohort 4: 1 wounded. Black Emancipators 16: unit eliminated. The remaining fighters disperse. Terienn and her 479 troops seize control of Thyferra and enact martial law.