| - Koka and Vikoka are two beings that are part of the Heeresgruppe Opfer für den Endsieg, appearing in Neo Earth. They are "brothers" connected with a telepathic bond that is so strong that when one is killed, the other will soon die as well. Despite being twins, they differ greatly in their apperance and abilities, and neither is human in appearance and abilities. While Koka has red skin and is of gigantic size (10m+) and incredible physical strenght, but suffers from severe mental retardation, Vikoka is a being of great intellect, but an underdeveloped body. His skin color is green or blue, and his body is that of a fetus, but with the "wrinkly appearance of an old man, and a look in his eyes that betrays a wisdom greater than a man's, and a vileness greater than a beast's". Vikoka is vari
| - Koka and Vikoka are two beings that are part of the Heeresgruppe Opfer für den Endsieg, appearing in Neo Earth. They are "brothers" connected with a telepathic bond that is so strong that when one is killed, the other will soon die as well. Despite being twins, they differ greatly in their apperance and abilities, and neither is human in appearance and abilities. While Koka has red skin and is of gigantic size (10m+) and incredible physical strenght, but suffers from severe mental retardation, Vikoka is a being of great intellect, but an underdeveloped body. His skin color is green or blue, and his body is that of a fetus, but with the "wrinkly appearance of an old man, and a look in his eyes that betrays a wisdom greater than a man's, and a vileness greater than a beast's". Vikoka is variously described either as also very large, despite his fetal build, or the size of a true fetus, or baby. He is kept permanently in a life-support tank and cannot survive outside of it. While Koka is of great strength, Vikoka has highly-developed psionic abilities, which are however not specified any closer. They could involve mind reading or controling, but also telekinetic powers. Part of his abilities is accessing the Akashic records, and the Heeresgruppe thus uses Vikoka for intelligence, surveillance and reconaissance missions as well as the much more important task of simulating and pre-planning possible strategies. Both brothers were created by magenetics. While the names of the two brothers and partially their nature have been taken from the Kalki Purana, they are based on two characters in the short story Das Wachsfigurenkabinett by Gustav Meyrink.