| - Fatyo's real name is Larry but after becoming the fattest penguin alive he got the nickname Fatyo by a bully,the bully was arrested for saying a mean nickname but the name stuck because Larry liked that nickname better than his real name. How he got fat was found a little bit by an interview,it ended after he ate the mic thinking it was ice cream. Interviewer:So,how did you get fat,or did it just happen? Fatyo:Is this needed? Interviewer:THE WHOLE WORLD WANTS TO KNOW SO YES! Fatyo:Well,I was challenged by somebody to eat 999,999,999,999,999 burgers,so I did and...IS THAT ICE CREAM?
| - Fatyo's real name is Larry but after becoming the fattest penguin alive he got the nickname Fatyo by a bully,the bully was arrested for saying a mean nickname but the name stuck because Larry liked that nickname better than his real name. How he got fat was found a little bit by an interview,it ended after he ate the mic thinking it was ice cream. Interviewer:So,how did you get fat,or did it just happen? Fatyo:Is this needed? Interviewer:THE WHOLE WORLD WANTS TO KNOW SO YES! Fatyo:Well,I was challenged by somebody to eat 999,999,999,999,999 burgers,so I did and...IS THAT ICE CREAM? Interviewer:Uh,wut are you pointning at*Fatyo points at the mic,a penguin helper of Fatyo grabs it and puts it in Fatyo's mouth*WAIT,NO! THAT'S NOT ICE CREAM!*Fatyo sallows it* Fatyo:Your were saying? Helper:*whispers to Interviewer*He sometimes sees things. Interviewer:Now you say,anyways,I guess we'll end this now before he eats anything else.