| - Howdy Buzz Crew, After listening to yesterday’s show I looked into the Diaspora project on kickstarter.com and decided to donate. At the time I donated over 1700 people had also pledged to the project and had raised over $60,000, over six times the project’s goal of $10,000. Seems like I’m not the only person upset with FB’s approach to privacy. If Failbook continues crapping on it’s users, people are going to bail from it in a way that makes the MySpace exodus look like a practice run and all that will be left is Zuckerberg and his teddy bear. THIS JUST IN: — up to $100k now!! Hey Buzzers,
| - Howdy Buzz Crew, After listening to yesterday’s show I looked into the Diaspora project on kickstarter.com and decided to donate. At the time I donated over 1700 people had also pledged to the project and had raised over $60,000, over six times the project’s goal of $10,000. Seems like I’m not the only person upset with FB’s approach to privacy. If Failbook continues crapping on it’s users, people are going to bail from it in a way that makes the MySpace exodus look like a practice run and all that will be left is Zuckerberg and his teddy bear. Here’s hoping Diaspora balances privacy with the need to connect to the people and things we care about. PS: kickstarter will let you use FB connect to pledge a donation. Talk about irony… THIS JUST IN: — up to $100k now!! Hey Buzzers, We know its piling on, but nobody’s mentioned this yet… We’re well-aware now that Facebook’s move to give everything its own page sucks for privacy. Here’s the thing – it also sucks for its stated purpose: driving people with similar interests towards individual pages so they can connect with each other or a company. Try it: 1) Type “”cnet”" in the Facebook search bar 2) Hit “”See More Results”" 3) Click “”Pages”" 198 results. (My favorite: “”And cnet”") Where are they from? People’s profiles! Most have zero or one fan. The result set is so fractured that it’s meaningless. Microsoft shouldn’t be happy about this – it makes Facebook search (Bing) look terrible. It’s also an insult to Vij. He works with an old and well-known grant program, including managing its Facebook presence. Because of the program’s stature, this was already no small task. Now? Nearly impossible. “”More than 500″” results, each different, as listed by the thousands of people who have received grants over decades. Not only do I (Vij) have to curate our own carefully-cultivated fan and group pages, but I also need to figure out how to enable these various people to connect with each other when their own pages will lead them to dead-ends. Thanks, Facebook, for doing this AFTER you got 400 Million users. Way to plan ahead. Anyway, keep on buzzing, guys! The Boys From Boston PS – Tom, good luck on TWIT! After some 1200 episodes, BOL won’t be the same without you. Who else will remind us not to open email attachments? Who else will speak Simlish?