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- # . Anon restored his best version and I tried to add the "other 20%" necessary to tip off the reader that this is a send-up of a Boise booster, not the earnest work of one. SPIKE/signature(22:30 3-Mar-13)
- #This is a deliberately shorter article, as much of the garbage that was in earlier versions has been cleaned out. It also has potential to grow, and has a fairly good set-up to keep it improving. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|10:26 05 Mar 2013
- # I like this article. I thought it was a fairly straight forward, tongue-in-cheek policy page. I see no reason to delete it. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|10:23 05 Mar 2013
#Keep, per pyppy. A nice red robot too. Aleister 13:43 6-3-'13
# This article is short and sweet. It is also quite funny. It just needs a little improvement. No need for deletion. CDPCCNAC 18:46 10 Mar 2013
- # Good enough now. SPIKE/signature(13:21 24-Feb-13)
- * The thinly veiled joke on this page, which is a legitimate joke, is . The article is sufficiently clear as political commentary not to worry about it transforming anyone into a rapist. Aleister is voting against an article that is "too good for the good" of the American Left. SPIKE/signature(00:11 14-Mar-13)
*:If you want it, I wash my hands of it, and it's all yours. Aleister 00:19 14-3-'13
- # And vote closed without action. No Admin has taken a position on this in a week, it raises a serious question of policy, and it comes at a time when another permabanned user, Aimsplode, has been trying to do the same thing by asking fallen-away Admins to sneak back in and do it with their powers as a favor. You gift your contributions to this website for any noncommercial use with proper attribution; an author cannot ungift them when, to quote Hindleyite, he "would like to put his chequered past behind him" . Though advancing counterarguments as well, Mordillo said in the above Forum that "I think it would be an actual loss to remove those audios." SPIKE/signature(16:38 19-Mar-13)
- # I like this. George W's clangers are many and varied. While we are by far not unique in having a collection of them, it doesn't reduce the humour value of having a page of them. The random element allows the page to be kept at a reasonable size. It's very dated, but has merit. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|07:54 02 Mar 2013
#OK, I'll hold my nose and vote to keep it. If it makes the idiot look like more of an idiot, all power to us idiots for keeping it. Aleister 13:39 2-3-'13
# It is a good laugh, and I don't see why it is a nuisance. CDPCCNAC 18:54 10 Mar 2013
- # Since we're not purging this category, thank goddess, William Shatner's page is essential to it just because...William Shatner. And please don't guy these articles, which is just as bad as deleting them. And does everyone know our main page is broken? Aleister 12:10 2-3-'13
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- *Too new for VFD; deleted administratively. SPIKE/signature(12:45 9-Apr-13)
- * A playground for I.P. Anon and other drive-by writers of one-liners isn't optimal, but it's self-contained. The template, though, is awful: "This page is under perpetual construction... It is an ever changing work...." That is in fact a better description of Uncyclopedia:Sandbox. Better to get them to finish it, to flesh out each of the 100 themes into funny paragraphs, as I now try to do on its talk page. SPIKE/signature(18:11 25-Feb-13)
- *Kept. SPIKE/signature(13:19 3-Mar-13)
- *Kept. SPIKE/signature(20:56 24-Mar-13)
- *Also, :Category:Pinoy Martial Law Articles should become :Category:Philippines martial law, as it is damned peculiar to have a category for articles contain the word Articles. (16:54) Done. SPIKE/signature(21:15 19-Mar-13)
*Two separate categories. I would vote to delete the first, but for the purposes of categorisation the second is as valid as :Category:Americans, which we wouldn't refer back to :Category:United States, :Category:North America or :Category:South America. One category refers to a people - not always of the place, but identifying with it - and the other refers to a place. For the purposes of categorisation, it's a valid sub-category of :Category:Philippines. It could potentially be renamed as :Category:Filipino to remove the slang aspect, however. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|02:28 20 Mar 2013
*:I found "Pinoy" was not used to differentiate residents from the nation, nor to describe content for the benefit of the general reader; but to tag an article as "our thing" for the benefit of those in-the-know. SPIKE/signature(14:57 20-Mar-13)
*::Corazón Aquino is Filipino. As is University of the Philippines. Think of Pinoy as similar to Aussie or Pom as a term. I'm familiar enough with it to recognise the term, but not a topic of interest. Odds are we have other personalities mentioned who would fit the category. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|03:22 20 Mar 2013
*:What "Pinoy" means is not at issue, but rather the use of a category as a tag that this article is "cool Pinoy stuff" compared to the other articles that merely get relegated to :Category:Philippines. SPIKE/signature(14:34 23-Mar-13)
*::Of the 6 places that it's used, those two examples are valid uses of the category. Misuse of what is a valid category doesn't equate to a category being useless, however. The only reason I'd see to delete it would be the slang aspect, and for that I'd rename it to Filipino. But I'm still left stuck at the nomination of multiple categories for deletion as the one nomination. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|10:09 23 Mar 2013
*:The first category is now deleted, as--after removing it from pages where it was stuck to say, "Ew! Gay!"--its only contents were two user pages and the self-evident Homosexuality in the Philippines. SPIKE/signature(19:45 24-Mar-13)
- * Point of note: Liberal in Australia is seen as referring to the Liberal/National Party coalition. Which in a 2PP sense is the conservative party. From an Australian perspective this article makes no sense. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|08:35 26 Mar 2013
- *Although this was nominated for deletion less than a month ago , that vote was suspended because of objections to combining several pages on one ballot; there was no Keep result and the current nomination is valid. SPIKE/signature(21:46 13-Mar-13)
*Kept. Deadlock after nearly a week. SPIKE/signature(01:45 19-Mar-13)
- * I have no objection with using humour as a conduit for advocacy, but this article does nothing for me on the humour front. The only thing stopping me from voting to delete is my lack of familiarity with Glenn Beck. As he is commonly known in the US, and some of this article may rely on reader's foreknowledge - which I lack - I'm not really in the best place to make a judgement. But from my perspective, this is an unfunny article that relies upon foreknowledge that is somewhat parochial. I see it in a similar light to Zoe Tay below, except that he is well known in the anglosphere. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|08:08 02 Mar 2013
*Deleted. A very long time, two Deletes, and one "does nothing for me on the humour front" is decisive. SPIKE/signature(14:01 10-Mar-13)
- *Likewise 4chan; likewise Red Hot Pawn, which nominator and I repaired; or Poptropica. The great majority of Anons who contribute are doing so to act out some sort of grudge based on their time on the other site; for example, wish to be the first to warn prospective users who's who and what the site is like. But we need some kind of funny article on the most popular off-site sites. SPIKE/signature(12:37 24-Mar-13)
* - This happens to be the very first of a long line of articles by my good friend Mr-ex777. I suggest not only deleting this particular article, but demolishing the entire building with explosives, as it is both an eyesore and a health hazard for the city. Afterwards, be sure to pave over the spot replace it with an all My Little Pony themed mall. Granted, you'll have to tolerate the increased traffic of fanatical bronies taking the place of a whimsical chocolate factory creating and selling Encyclopedia Dramatica in fun size candy bar form. Which one is the lesser nuisance to the community is irrelevant. As Spike has articulated, it all boils down to the free market. *looks up and waves at Mr-ex reading this* Kip the Dip/sig (19:14, Mar. 24, 2013)
*:Who it is written by makes no difference as to whether or not an article is worth keeping. There are articles written by myself that have been deleted as sub-par - including my very first article. Being friendly with an author doesn't change the quality of an article. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|08:10 24 Mar 2013
*::You misunderstand. My points were: 1) This article is indeed crap, but more importantly 2) almost everything by Mr-ex777 is crap. If you care about quality, you should probably take a look at his other works. The friendly winks, jabs and in-jokes were a manifestation of the inner conflict of feeling like a douche for pointing this out. Kip the Dip/sig (21:11, Mar. 24, 2013)
- *The last attempt to delete this, at Uncyclopedia:Votes_for_deletion/archive19#Template:QuotesPages, lays out the origins of the Unquotable space. SPIKE/signature(13:34 11-Mar-13)
*Done. Little excitement from the regulars for over a week, but this task is essentially clerical. SPIKE/signature(02:10 19-Mar-13)
- *I've already cleared away some huge listcruft, including links to YouTubes with their own raunchy commentary. SPIKE/signature(02:52 2-Mar-13)
- *I had left it to Puppy to dispose of this but added that VFD was one promising one. Am not sure it doesn't fit in UnLyrics or UnPoetia. SPIKE/signature(13:25 19-Mar-13)
*:It would be more fitting in UnLyrics, but that still wouldn't add any humour. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|08:20 19 Mar 2013
*::Articles like this are unapologetically aimed at the Radiohead fan and are happily ignored by the rest of us without worsening Uncyclopedia. My criterion is whether that target reader finds these lyrics funny and clever. SPIKE/signature(20:24 19-Mar-13)
*:::I'm not a die-hard Radiohead fan, but I enjoy their first few albums. To get any of these lyrics to fit the songs takes a stretch, and even those that do aren't that funny. Smells like Nirvana by Weird Al uses a similar vehicle, but it limits to one song, and the lyrics actually makes sense. Reading through this I just get random gibberish that is barely related to the source material. I even tried to strip it down to the best example among the lot , and even trying to stretch I'm a crepe. I'm a weird-dough, which is the closest match for I'm a creep. I'm a weirdo, fails to make me smile, or potentially be a genuine mondegreen. The only other option as a one off would be Paranoid Android , and trying to turn when I am king you will be first against the wall/ with your opinions which are of no consequence at all into When I am Queen you will be sucking against my wall/ With your opinions which is of no funk-a-quinces doesn't gel. And most of the words are the same. From a fan-ish perspective, I fail to see any of this truly work. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|08:45 19 Mar 2013
- *Shall we leave the best one of these in mainspace and move it to World War II (movie)? SPIKE/signature(18:22 25-Mar-13)
* This. You pick, but I think you already did with your voting pattern. Aleister the same as my time above
- #Not a bad page joke-wise. Since Mn-z is the King of sojourns, I await his verdict. Aleister 10:03 24-3-'13
- *Although this was nominated for deletion less than a month ago , that vote was suspended because of objections to combining several pages on one ballot; there was no Keep result and the current nomination is valid. SPIKE/signature(21:46 13-Mar-13)
- *Kept. Aleister did indeed cut away 30%. SPIKE/signature(22:55 28-Feb-13)
- * I was considering a revert of the last editor, but the previous revision was no better. I don't know the area at all though, so have no idea what is relevant and what is just garbage. Is there any earlier revision which is better than the current? Is there a way to salvage anything worthwhile from it? PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|01:58 28 Feb 2013
*:I did exactly that yesterday, and concluded exactly that. Saw in the history that in 2007 set out to "make it at least a little funny"; rev of 26-Aug-07, minus "Why Boise Sucks" is short but has a concept. (14:14) PS--I have indeed assembled a version based on that one; sorry I did not do this before nominating. I'll let my nomination stand; what do you think now, Mnbvcxz? SPIKE/signature(15:45 28-Feb-13)
*::Based upon changes made, this works as a parody of a Boise booster, but still needs a little work, as it comes across as too listy for my taste. Apathetic non-vote as a result. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|11:20 04 Mar 2013
*:::I pared back the lists and added some absurdity to the headings. But your change to Apathetic could be enough to save it. SPIKE/signature(23:23 4-Mar-13)
*Note please: Anon is in this morning at Talk:Inland Northwest, insisting that the Boise boosterism is a put-on and that, with just "another 20%," the reader would have enjoyed the article: For instance, the guy-wired mast that the booster touts is hundreds of miles from Boise. I laid it on him to fix up the article and supply the needed 20% himself. SPIKE/signature(12:41 3-Mar-13)
- *Kept. Just you and me after a week. SPIKE/signature(16:42 19-Mar-13)
- *The Intro is downright good. On the rest of the article, my comments are the same as on the Hitler one. SPIKE/signature(17:16 21-Feb-13)
*Kept. SPIKE/signature(22:58 28-Feb-13)
- * It's well written, but not an article. Move it back to user space. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|11:28 09 Mar 2013
*:Whose, please? SPIKE/signature(20:45 14-Mar-13)
*::It had been at previously. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|09:41 14 Mar 2013
*Userspaced. SPIKE/signature(21:45 14-Mar-13)
- *This did not seem to me to focus quite exclusively on one user, but since that user is the main focus of the article, I propose we userspace this article to Some User's userspace.
*:Concur SPIKE/signature(01:12 22-Feb-13)
*::Deleted or in name space - either means it's not in general distribution. I'm happy with that. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|07:09 22 Feb 2013
*Kept. No consensus after a week. SPIKE/signature(23:00 28-Feb-13)
- *I did exactly that. Anyone care to take on :Category:Assholes, with 177 pages? SPIKE/signature(00:10 17-Mar-13)
- *Wikiquote:Anonymous is a real page, as is Wikiquote:Anonymous (group). Theoretically there could be a valid page that is a parody of this, and this Unquotable page would be the ideal location. Sadly, the page at this location fails. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|09:33 25 Feb 2013
*Huffed. "Very specific vote" to keep lacked any very specific rebuttal to the numerous issues raised. SPIKE/signature(13:23 3-Mar-13)
- *Kept. No consensus after a week. SPIKE/signature(14:21 12-Mar-13)
- *Kept. No consensus after a week. SPIKE/signature(14:22 12-Mar-13)
- *Userspaced. All right, Meganew; you own it. Happy editing. SPIKE/signature(12:35 15-Mar-13)