| - TPS is known to have been in existence before the silent film era, but like Lou Gehrig's Disease and Patrick Ewing's Tumor, it entered the spotlight after Tiny himself contracted it. Prior to 1928, when it was renamed, it went largely unnoticed by the public due to the fact it was confined to the tiny Amnesia Islands in the middle of the Pacific. However, worlds collided when Tiny, having become washed up after the creation of "Talkies", sent himself to the Hall of Forgotten Actors on the Islands in 1923, making himself vulnerable to the disease. Tiny decided he would give acting one more chance, and in a clumsy decision, sent himself on the first flight off the islands to New York City.
| - TPS is known to have been in existence before the silent film era, but like Lou Gehrig's Disease and Patrick Ewing's Tumor, it entered the spotlight after Tiny himself contracted it. Prior to 1928, when it was renamed, it went largely unnoticed by the public due to the fact it was confined to the tiny Amnesia Islands in the middle of the Pacific. However, worlds collided when Tiny, having become washed up after the creation of "Talkies", sent himself to the Hall of Forgotten Actors on the Islands in 1923, making himself vulnerable to the disease. Tiny decided he would give acting one more chance, and in a clumsy decision, sent himself on the first flight off the islands to New York City. Tiny, by then, had already started to show symptoms of the disease, but when he arrived at the population hub he instantly went on a heroin binge. It's also noteworthy that, following each shoot, he would drop the hypodermic needles filled with his juices from rooftops onto passerby, and frequently did his business in public squares. By a natural miracle, no one at all contracted the disease, making Tiny the only person out of the Amnesia Islands to ever have Tiny Penis Syndrome. This is largely because the conditions needed to obtain the disease relate largely to being forgotten and/or isolated for long periods of time, something uncharacteristic of most people in New York (if by some fatal flaw the plane carrying Tiny Penis on his way back to the states stopped in Poland or Ohio, an epidemic might have begun). Due to this, and the fact that no one remembers or cares about the Amnesia Islands, it is widely accepted that Tiny Penis is the only person to ever contra