コマンデュオ、そしてジェネラローズをここからつなげろ!Commanduo and Generarose will be called upon from here!
未来の光の国では、王であるミラダンテは不在の事が多い。なぜなら、奇跡を願われたミラダンテが時空を超えて遠征してしまうからだ。In the Light Kingdom of the future, the king Miradante is often absent. Because Miradante wished for miracles traveling beyond space and time.
ミラダンテ、それは未来で奇跡を越えた者だけに与えられる名前。 Miradante, it's a name given only to those who have exceeded the Miracle of the Future.
■ Your light commands cost 1 less to summon. They can't cost 0 or less.
■ Mana Arms 3—If you have 3 light cards in your mana zone, your light Dragons cost 1 less to summon. They can't cost 0 or less.