| - Dr. Geoffries informs Phil Sheldon that his cancer has metastasized and spread throughout his entire system. Doris asks Phil if he wants to move Florida near the beach, but Phil turns down this offer so that he can continue writing his next book, a sequel to Marvels. While Phil's daughter Beth and Jennie help him with the work of organizing his photos, he hears on the news how the Avengers have finally subdued the Hulk after an attack in the town of Jericho, New Mexico. While the Avengers get the blame for the destruction, Phil starts to wish he had left a better world for his daughters to grow up in.
While Phil helps Jenny learn how to drive, they hear on the radio about a "mutant incident at LaGuardia Airport. They decide to go there so Phil can take some pictures of X-Factor in action. At home, Phil watches a large mob on television protesting Namor joining the Avengers. As Phil sorts through his old photos, Marcia Hardesty, Phil's former assistant, stops to see if he needs any help with his book. Marcia looks through some of Phil's work on the book and Phil gets a call from Mr. Jameson asking for unpublished photos of costumed mutants.
Phil and Jenny go to the Daily Bugle and talk with Robbie Robertson about the photos, who says Jonah is planning to run a piece on the X-Factor Bounty Hunter group. Phil turns down the offer once Robbie says Jonah will find some way to connect the incident to Spider-Man, seeing no point in trashing someone else's reputation to make some cash.
Phil invites his family to have lunch with him at The Masthead. Phil reflects on the recent attacks against the mutant race and remembers when his daughters took in a young mutant girl named Maggie during the first anti-mutant panic. Suddenly, Anderson, one of Phil's reporter buddies, runs into the restaurant and tells Ted and Arnie that a big cube has swallowed up Avengers Mansion. Phil wants to join them, but Doris urges him to stay. Jenny volunteers to accompany her father, and Doris lets them go. However, a police officer does not let them get close to the Avengers Mansion and Phil even has trouble holding the camera. Defeated, Phil and Jenny walk back to The Masthead.
Phil finds that the pictures are still being taken without him as he reads about the dedication of the Four Freedoms Plaza and then Magneto surrendering to U.N. Officials. Phil gets a call from Tracy Burke asking if he could cover the trial for her magazine, but Phil has to turn down the offer and watch it on television. Before the trial finishes, however, Phil passes out and Doris calls the hospital.
The next day, Phil has trouble getting out of bed and finds himself in the hospital working on finishing his book with Doris' help. Phil's daughters visit him and give him some files for his book. Doris tells Beth and Jenny to go to the cafeteria to get a snack. As Phil ponders his work, he becomes increasingly frustrated that his legacy would only amount to "a whole lot of paper." Doris comforts him, and Phil tells her he just needs some rest. As Phil starts dozing off, a figure wearing a hoodie sneaks into the room through the window. The figure takes off her hood, and Phil is shocked to see it is Maggie.