| - The Oregon Republic was originally a disputed area in the Pacific Northwest, variously claimed by Spain, Mexico, the Russian Empire, the United States and Great Britain; however, by the 1840s, the two primary claimants for the land were Britain the the United States. The area was sparsely populated by British, French, and American trappers and traders, in addition to the larger Native American population. As the epidemic ravaged and weakened the British and Americans, their hold on the disputed territories was sorely diminished, leaving the scattered trading posts to fend for themselves.
| - The Oregon Republic was originally a disputed area in the Pacific Northwest, variously claimed by Spain, Mexico, the Russian Empire, the United States and Great Britain; however, by the 1840s, the two primary claimants for the land were Britain the the United States. The area was sparsely populated by British, French, and American trappers and traders, in addition to the larger Native American population. In 1844, the Canton Madness epidemic had spread to the New World through Mexico. The disease spread through the West until, in 1845, the first cases of infected animals and men appeared in the Willamette Valley. Unlike the more densely populated regions to the South and East, the Oregon Country suffered relatively lightly from the depredations of the infected. With the majority of the population cloistered around military forts that had served as trading posts or in widely scattered Native bands, the population was reduced by only 12%, in comparison to the much higher rates in the cities to to the east. As the epidemic ravaged and weakened the British and Americans, their hold on the disputed territories was sorely diminished, leaving the scattered trading posts to fend for themselves. In November 1851, American lawyer Peter H. Burnett called forth representatives from the major trading posts and towns, and in December of that year, established a unified administration for the disparate settlements between 42°N latitude and 54°40′N latitude. A second regional Congress was called in February of 1852, with representatives of the major Native tribes present, and on March 22, 1852, declared its autonomy from both Britain and the United States, forming the Confederal Republic of the Oregon, commonly called the Oregon Republic. The declaration was unopposed by either Washington or London. Formal recognition came from France in June of that year; Russia, Mexico, and the Ottomans followed suit the following month. London would not recognize the nation until 1855, Washington refused to recognize it until 1863.