| - Gorchaka is an icy planet where Buria, the brother of Bardock, and his crew were ordered to be captured by the tyrant Frieza. However, unbeknownst to Buria and his crew, the people of the planet, the Gorchakans, were actually incredibly strong warriors. Buria and his crew started getting killed off one by one, and Buria himself got encased in ice, freezing him in a state of suspended animation.
| - Gorchaka is an icy planet where Buria, the brother of Bardock, and his crew were ordered to be captured by the tyrant Frieza. However, unbeknownst to Buria and his crew, the people of the planet, the Gorchakans, were actually incredibly strong warriors. Buria and his crew started getting killed off one by one, and Buria himself got encased in ice, freezing him in a state of suspended animation. However, the remaining members of Buria's crew managed to kill every Gorchakan, but later died from their wounds. Buria then broke free from his icy prison centuries later, and, with a healing planet far away, he found a planet with a warm temperature and planned to recuperate there and return to Frieza soon after doing so.