The intelligent, compassionate leader of the band and initiator of the quest. He has perfect memories of his life in the First Age, but no memory of his current life before Exaltation.
* Badass Bookworm
* Beware the Nice Ones, to an extent.
* Can't Hold His Liquor
* Chronic Hero Syndrome: a rather bad case, Misho being a chronic sufferer for over a millennia. If things get bad enough though, he slips into Samaritan Syndrome which never works out well. Luckily he has a fairly well-seasoned Heroic Safe Mode just in case this happened (although it doesn't always work).
* Dead Little Sister: Misho has a particular hatred for the Raksha. The exact reasons are unspecified, but they include having murdered his son (or rather, murdering the son of his original incarnation. It's c
Attributes | Values |
| - Keychain of Creation/Characters
| - The intelligent, compassionate leader of the band and initiator of the quest. He has perfect memories of his life in the First Age, but no memory of his current life before Exaltation.
* Badass Bookworm
* Beware the Nice Ones, to an extent.
* Can't Hold His Liquor
* Chronic Hero Syndrome: a rather bad case, Misho being a chronic sufferer for over a millennia. If things get bad enough though, he slips into Samaritan Syndrome which never works out well. Luckily he has a fairly well-seasoned Heroic Safe Mode just in case this happened (although it doesn't always work).
* Dead Little Sister: Misho has a particular hatred for the Raksha. The exact reasons are unspecified, but they include having murdered his son (or rather, murdering the son of his original incarnation. It's c
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| - The intelligent, compassionate leader of the band and initiator of the quest. He has perfect memories of his life in the First Age, but no memory of his current life before Exaltation.
* Badass Bookworm
* Beware the Nice Ones, to an extent.
* Can't Hold His Liquor
* Chronic Hero Syndrome: a rather bad case, Misho being a chronic sufferer for over a millennia. If things get bad enough though, he slips into Samaritan Syndrome which never works out well. Luckily he has a fairly well-seasoned Heroic Safe Mode just in case this happened (although it doesn't always work).
* Dead Little Sister: Misho has a particular hatred for the Raksha. The exact reasons are unspecified, but they include having murdered his son (or rather, murdering the son of his original incarnation. It's complicated...).
* The Hero
* Heroic BSOD: Several times due to the Great Curse.
* Improbable Weapon User
* Incorruptible Pure Pureness
* Informed Ability: Misho favors Awareness as an ability. We're reminded of this every time he misses something important.
* Magic Knight
* Meaningful Name: Twice over, no less.
* Munchkin: Parodied - he has both the Past Life merit AND Eidetic Memory.
* Also subverted. He's got amnesia of his Pre-Exalted life, and Nightmares ("It's not worth the three points.") Oh, and the Eidetic Memory resulted in the of his sacrifice of ignorance to gain sorcery. Which is part of what led to his lonely death in his first incarnation.
* Mysterious Past: While from a munchkin perspective an Exalted not remembering his pre-Exalted life is normal, it's very odd for a character. Lampshaded.
* Samaritan Syndrome: Misho was already a sufferer of Chronic Hero Syndrome when he first reigned in the First Age, but then he saw the Loom Of Fate and threw himself of the deep end via With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility to become the living embodiment of this trope. His story is not a happy one.
* The Smart Guy
* Stern Teacher: both played with and played straight when it came to teaching sorcery.
* Ultimate Blacksmith: He personally forged the Keys, as well as the Blade of Vitality.
* The Woobie: You just wanna hug him.