| - Blazestar’s fire. Warriors RiverClan. Leader: Willowstar- old grey tabby she-cat Deputy: Fallowbreeze- brown-and-white she-cat with grey eyes Medicine Cat: Larkwing- silver tabby tom. Apprentice, Daisyflower Warriors: Lionclaw- amber tom with amber eyes. Swallowfoot- pale brown tabby she-cat with black spots. Blackflame- black-grey-and-white tom with piercing blue eyes Rainswift- grey-and-black tom Duckwing- ginger tom Bubbledrift- silver -and- pale- brown she-cat, Wolfsnout’s daughter. Apprentice, Toadpaw. Gingerfur- tabby she-cat with bright orange fur and blue eyes. Apprentice, Smallpaw Songfall- grey tabby she-cat with a white chest. Flintscale- grey tom. Apprentices: Daisyflower- slender grey tabby she-cat with long whiskers and green eyes Smallpaw- small, compact black tom Birdpaw- Pale she-cat with black ears. Toadpaw- pale-grey tom. Queens: Littlewhisker- small, well-formed she-cat with a dappled grey coat. ( Mother to Duckwing’s kits, Owlkit- tawny she-kit with grey eyes, Berrykit- tawny tom with white spots and grey eyes. Also mother to Smallpaw from another litter) Redriver- very beautiful golden-brown she-cat with fiery green eyes. (Mother to Blackflame’s kit, Blazekit- pretty fiery ginger kit with green eyes.) Elders: Frogleap- smoky-grey tabby tom. Wolfsnout- grey-and-white she-cat, Frogleap’s mate. Allegiances: ThunderClan Leader: Hollowstar- brown and white tom with blue eyes Deputy: Blackfeather- Jet black she-cat Medicine cat: Willowstream- tortoiseshell she-cat with soft fur. Warriors: Blueleaf- dark grey tabby tom with green eyes Quietstream- dainty dappled grey she-cat. Blueleaf’s sister. Whitehawk- white tom with yellow eyes Twistfoot- brown tom with one crippled hind leg. Apprentice, Lilacpaw Yellowbird- silver and white she-cat with bright yellow eyes. Foxsplash- dark brown tom with amber eyes. Acornstalk- Sleek, pale brown tabby tom with thin black stripes. Fenneltail- Pale grey tabby she-cat with white stripes. Apprentices: Lilacpaw- black and ginger she-cat Treepaw- tawny-colored tom with green eyes Queens: Featherflight- grey she-cat ( mother to Dovekit- ginger and white she-cat with green eyes, Rosekit- ginger she-cat and Creamkit- cream-colored tom.) Gingerstorm- beautiful ginger she-cat with green eyes ( mother to Fleckkit- brown tom with white flecks) Elders: Greyfrost- old grey and white tom, half blind Leopardclaw- black and yellow she-cat, Greyfrost’s mate.