| - Quest of the Delta Knights is a 1993 fantasy/adventure sword and sorcery film wholly lacking in sorcery. It's another one of those movies that wouldn't have a page on this wiki were it not for Mystery Science Theater 3000 and its Season 9 appearance. The plot concerns a young boy named Travis (nicknamed "Tee"), who is sold into slavery after he is orphaned in an attack on a caravan. Tee is bought by Baydool (a slumming David Warner), a beggar man who is secretly a spy for the Order of the Delta Knights, a society dedicated to knowledge, justice, eradicating evil; the usual heroic stuff. The knight makes Tee his apprentice as he covertly opposes the dastardly Lord Vultare (also a slumming David Warner), who is looking for the fabled Lost Storehouse of Archimedes, rumored to contain all manner of ancient-high-tech doodads that would allow their wielder to Take Over the World. The duo infiltrate Vultare's castle to gain access to a map leading to the storehouse, but afterward Baydool is captured, and Tee's attempt to rescue his mentor ends badly. So, Tee sets off to find the Storehouse before Vultare can, joining forces with an Italian cad named Leonardo who is also a member of the Order, and a serving wench named Thena. Along the way they have a few scrapes with Vultare's forces, Leo hits on and gets hit by the girl, the party gets captured by a disturbingly merry band of masked bandits, and it turns out Thena is a princess or something. In the end they find the Storehouse, but wouldn't you know it but Vultare's been following them the whole time! Fortunately the villain gets Distracted By the Shiny artifacts and zaps himself to death, and Tee blows up the Storehouse, reasoning that mankind is not yet ready for its secrets. Leonardo rips off most of the gadgets inside of it, so it wasn't a total loss. The end. The film is mainly notable for being confusingly nebulous in terms of temporal or physical setting. Also, several viewers have noticed that the first act of Delta Knights ("mute" orphan slave is bought for an insultingly low sum, freed, and adopted by a "crippled" beggar who is a spy for a secret organization) is essentially Robert A. Heinlein's Citizen Of The Galaxy IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE!.