| - Feel out the High Sparrow on whether the crown is listening already.
- Say that in the Reach/Dorne, there is no sin in men lying together by choice.
- "I am a godly man," the High Sparrow insists too quickly, and shows the scars of his hairshirt. "Any impurity of thought, I purge from my mind."
- Doubt openly that anyone can be as pure as the High Sparrow is suggesting.
- "King's Landing is rank with sin, Septa," the High Sparrow says, looking at the city with distaste. "Greed, violence, lust, corruption, immorality..."
- "Lust," the High Sparrow says with relish. "Lust of brother for sister. Lust for the bought bodies of young girls. The unnatural lust of man for man."
- Ask what sins the High Sparrow is specifically talking about.
- Wonder whether the High Sparrow has ever sinned himself.
- "The smallfolk see it, they feel it," the High Sparrow says. "They come to me looking for a better way. The crown will hear us... one way or another."
- Wonder what the High Sparrow's plan is to combat sin.