| - In the early 21st century, steps were taken by the Illuminati, fronted by the FED, which eventually brought into place our current "one world government." Although this was eons in the process of being achieved, yet the first step, post 9/11, was the creation of the EU (European Union) and the NAU (North American Union - an amalgamation of Canada, the USA, and Mexico), which then joined North and South America, thus creating the All American Union (AAU), with an economy based on the Amero as the new currency. This was followed by the AAU joining with the European Union (EU) and the Asian Union (AU), who combined the Amero, the Euro and the Asio, which they joined into a single world currency called, by chance, the "Amero."
| - In the early 21st century, steps were taken by the Illuminati, fronted by the FED, which eventually brought into place our current "one world government." Although this was eons in the process of being achieved, yet the first step, post 9/11, was the creation of the EU (European Union) and the NAU (North American Union - an amalgamation of Canada, the USA, and Mexico), which then joined North and South America, thus creating the All American Union (AAU), with an economy based on the Amero as the new currency. This was followed by the AAU joining with the European Union (EU) and the Asian Union (AU), who combined the Amero, the Euro and the Asio, which they joined into a single world currency called, by chance, the "Amero." They jointly divided the World into 6 economic zones, viz., Porno, Petroleum, Drugs, Water, Food & Weapons. This was the plan controlled by the enlightened-ones through the medium of Alchemy: mysteriously transforming paper into 'fool's gold'. As described before, gradually all the world's countries became states which were then combined for total one-world government or the New World Order. In the natural course of man-made events, the entire planet had become one big round globe-shaped country; the UN, now infused with real power, became the central government, and all old Countries, large and small, became states in the United States of Earth. The leader of each country-state duly elected by the people as hand-picked by Illuminati - through manipulation of the media - to represent each state in the USE world central government. The two hundred fifty two countries and territories of the world (including the Moon state) joined as states along with the fifty six states and territories of America, bringing the total number of states in the USE to three hundred eight states in the world union.