| - Hanharr was a male Wookiee who worked as a bounty hunter, operating primarily out of Nar Shaddaa, during and in the years after the Jedi Civil War. A ruthless hunter and brutal sociopath who was rumored to have murdered his own tribe in cold blood, he was regarded as one of the most deadly of his profession.
- Hanharr brrooaooagh roaahagh groahghrargh, rooaghaoagh braoagh Brrooooagh rooagrgh. Broaghgoaghoagh roaaghaogh growgh, groagh groagh rogharogh broaghgoabaragh groagh brouaghgle. Snaogugh broaghable grougaabaugle frow, roaghraogh graoagh maoargh. Foraghoagh goaghaogh, shoahhaogh goaghaogh boaghaogh Nar Shaddaa. Woargh groagh broagh shoaghabaoragh, shaoghaghg Wookiee-Nookie froaghaorahgogharoagh smaoghagh groaghabaoag Mira. Noaghaogh shoaghagh goahoah moaogoahg noaghaohahg foaghagoahg broagagoghah. Broaghaoagh, froaghaoghoa broagahgh caoaghogh groaghaoogh Jedi Exile shoaghoagh broagha goaghle.
- Hanharr es un wookiee macho, que trabajaba de cazador de recompensas, operando principalmente en Nar Shaddaa, durante los años posteriores a la Guerra Civil Jedi. Hanharr se caracteriza por su carácter brutal, y por haber matado a su propio clan wookiee.
- Hanharr era un wookiee macho, quien trabajaba de cazador de recompensas, operando principalmente en Nar Shaddaa, durante los años posteriores a la Guerra Civil Jedi. Hanharr se caracteriza por su carácter brutal, y se dice que mató a su propio clan wookiee.
- Hanharr è un personaggio dell'universo espanso di Guerre Stellari.
- Hanharr was raised on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, living in the canopies with other Wookiees, but never truly feeling at home among them. Instead, he began to take an interest in the Shadowlands, the ground level of Kashyyyk, at an early age, sensing fascination at its perils and constant darkness. To live in the Shadowlands was considered dishonorable by the Wookiees, but the call proved too strong for Hanharr to resist, and he began to spend more and more time there, moving freely and killing at will. In time, his tribe refused to accept him back, for they sensed too much of a killer within him.
- An anomaly of Wookiee culture, Hanharr was only a bounty hunter by name. In reality, he was a dishonorable slaver on the verge of insanity. Hanharr was originally from the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, living in the canopies with other Wookiees. At an early age, he began to take an interest in the Shadowlands, the ground level of Kashyyyk, and spent much time there moving freely and killing at will. This behavior was dishonorable to the Wookiees and they banished him to remain permanently in the Shadowlands and the various dangerous animals there. When the Czerka Corporation arrived and began taking slaves, Hanharr took it upon himself to slaughter his entire village, starting with the youngest, in order to 'save' them. The Czerka slavers eventually caught Hanharr and took him into slaver