| - After events similar to Michal Bay's crap, Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Barricade and Scorponok (not dead as it was different a Drone killed by Jetfire) met up with each other on Mars, Megatron was Repaired. Creating a Clonerizer machine Starcream Made a Red and White clone of Soundwave named Blaster with Blue optics. For Some reason, Blaster reatreted to Earth to Recover Frenzy's remains and find out more about the war. After a quick toon-up, the Clonerizer Generated The Starscream clones: Hellbat, the Traitor Clone, Representing Starscream's secret Desire for Leadership. Hooligan, the Stealthy clone, Representing Starscream's Spyness, Ulchtar, Representing Starscream's Unsloopyness, and Unstable but loyal, Bloodthirsty SUNSTORM. Starscream, appointing Hellbat to LT. of the Skyraider
| - After events similar to Michal Bay's crap, Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Barricade and Scorponok (not dead as it was different a Drone killed by Jetfire) met up with each other on Mars, Megatron was Repaired. Creating a Clonerizer machine Starcream Made a Red and White clone of Soundwave named Blaster with Blue optics. For Some reason, Blaster reatreted to Earth to Recover Frenzy's remains and find out more about the war. After a quick toon-up, the Clonerizer Generated The Starscream clones: Hellbat, the Traitor Clone, Representing Starscream's secret Desire for Leadership. Hooligan, the Stealthy clone, Representing Starscream's Spyness, Ulchtar, Representing Starscream's Unsloopyness, and Unstable but loyal, Bloodthirsty SUNSTORM. Starscream, appointing Hellbat to LT. of the Skyraider corps so he would not Betray him. Then they went to Earth to fight the Autobots:ROTF chapter 1 During the battle with the Autobots, Sunstorm was going crazy, and even MORE unstable (meaning he was going to explode in a few cycles (minuits). But then Jetfire came, dragged Sunstorm into orbit, where he exploded harmlessly, only taking out himself, and a few passing sattilites:ROTF chapter 2