| - House Gardener of Highgarden is an extinct Great House of Westeros, dating back to the time in which the First Men ruled the entire continent. Prior to the Targaryen conquest, they ruled as Kings of the Reach. Their heraldry depicted a green hand on a white field. Its founder was Garth Greenhand, who wore a crown of vines and flowers and was said to have made the land bloom. Many of the noble houses of the Reach, including House Tyrell and House Florent, trace their descent to him. The Gardeners became extinct when Aegon the Conqueror invaded Westeros. The King of the Reach, Mern IX, joined forces with the King of the Rock, Loren I, to challenge the invaders. In the battle, that became known as the Field of Fire, King Mern died incinerated when Aegon unleashed his three dragons, Vhagar, Meraxes and Balerion the Black Dread, against the combined forces of the Reach and the Rock. Harlen Tyrell, the steward of Highgarden, surrendered the castle to Aegon, and he was afterward made Lord Paramount of the Reach and Warden of the South.
- House Gardener is an extinct house of the Reach. Their symbol was a green hand on white.