| - The Cardassian Eleventh Order was a military unit in the Cardassian Guard. The Eleventh Order was responsible for the defense of the Cardassian Union's antispinward border. During the late 23rd and mid-24th centuries it suffered heavily in the Union's conflicts and was a reserve unit by the start of the Dominion War. (The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon) The Order's headquarters were on Septimus III and last commanded by Legate Met'Orn, it was described during the Dominion War as largely consisting of "old men and walking wounded." The Eleventh Order was slaughtered down to the last man during the Invasion of Septimus III and the bodies of a number of the dead desecrated. This brutal act, referred to by the Cardassians as the Septimus Massacre, was the main impetus behind Damar's choice to rebel against the Dominion. (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows", Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--The Thirteenth Order, "Those Who Remain")
- The Eleventh Order was a division of the Cardassian military that was, according to Klingon General Martok, a reserve unit that was composed of "old men and walking wounded." They were stationed on Septimus III during the Dominion War. Damar was fearful of an impending Klingon attack and asked Weyoun to send reinforcements which Weyoun promised to do but had no interest in protecting these Cardassian troops as by this time the Cardassians were being viewed as disposable as Jem'Hadar. In 2375, all 500,000 members of the Order were sacrificed by the Dominion when Septimus III was attacked by and conquered by the Klingons. (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows") When Septimus III was raided, word reached Damar quickly and Damar then confronted Weyoun as to why there was no action taken to protect the planet; Weyoun brushed off Damar, claiming that Septimus III was strategically worthless. The utter lack of empathy or respect for Cardassian soldiers Weyoun displayed in this response revealed to Damar that the Dominion were nothing more than occupiers using Cardassian soldiers for their own ends, prompting him to found the Cardassian Liberation Front. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")