| - From the OS Databank.
- Neimoidians were a species of humanoids that were distant genetic relatives of Duros. They were native to the planet of Neimoidia and also lived on colony worlds in the same sector like Cato Neimoidia, Deko Neimoidia, and Koru Neimoidia. They had a reputation for greed and cowardice. Neimoidians placed tremendous value on wealth, and would go to great lengths to gain money and power. However, they were very easily intimidated, and hated combat. They were famous for running the Trade Federation, a massive corporate entity.
- Neimoidians were offensive Chinese stereotypes who looked and sounded nothing like Chinese or Asians of any kind and were obsessed with making money. In fact, all of them were obsessed with making money—just like Chinese people! Isn't that hilarious? They were also the founders of the Trade Federation.
- Neimoidiané jsou druh humanoidů, kteří byli vzdáleně příbuzní s Durosy. Jejich domovskou planetou je Neimoidia, ale žijí na dalších planetách různě po galaxii.
- Neimoidians waren een reptielachtig species afkomstig van Neimoidia en tal van andere Purse Worlds. Neimoidians waren genetisch verwant aan de Duros.
- Kända Neimoidianer: Rune Haako
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- Neimoidians were mosh mouth species from the planet Neimoidiathat mainly controlled the Neo Trade Federation and other large governments. Their status obsessed culture wears elaborate clothing, drapes, and hats to show either status, power, or heritege.They were known for their mush mouthed language and green skin.
- This method of raising their young instills a tremendous sense of greed into the young Neimoidians, but it also forces them to become organizational. Coupled with the fact that the most able Neimoidians leave their homeworld to serve with the Trade Federation, the general population of Neimoidia is made up of the weakest of the Neimoidian people. In general, the Niemoidians are entrepreneurial, but are also lazy cowards.
- Neimoidienii au fost o specie de umanoizi care erau rude genetice îndepărtate ale duroanilor. Proveneau de pe planeta Neimoidia dar locuiau şi pe lumi-colonii din acelaşi sector precum Cato Neimoidia, Deko Neimoidia şi Koru Neimoidia. Erau cunoscuţi pentru lăcomia şi laşitatea lor. Neimoidienii preţuiau averea şi posesiunile materiale, fiind în stare de orice pentru a câştiga bani şi putere. Totuşi, erau uşor intimidaţi şi urau bătăliile. Erau faimoşi pentru conducerea Federaţiei de Comerţ, o corporaţie imensă. Printre neimoidienii mai cunoscuţi s-au numărat Nute Gunray şi Rune Haako, membri cu rang înalt ai Federaţiei de Comerţ care mai târziu s-au alăturat Confederaţiei Sistemelor Independente, o mişcare separatistă care a declanşat războiul asupra Republicii Galactice.
- So says a common spacer stereotype, justified by the species' reputation for excelling at business. This race of aliens resembles the Duros in many physical respects, having descended from pure Duros stock when a group of colonists settled on Neimoidia some 25,000 years ago. They have smooth, greenish skin and large, red eyes, although the Neimoidian eye has a pupil which splits it horizontally. They also have a more developed cranium, which is studded with small knobs and bumps. Their mouths are down-turned, giving them a perpetual frown. The Neimoidian life-cycle has contributed much to their cutthroat business acumen, they live in communal hives from the time of their birth to the age of seven.