Captain Peterson was the Starfleet officer in command of the USS Carolina in 2377. In that year, Peterson was ordered by Admiral Paris to intercept a Ferengi Marauder which had taken position near a red giant star and which was attempting to open a geodesic fold to the Delta Quadrant. However, as the Carolina was 0.7 light years away, they were unable to reach the Ferengi vessel in time, forcing Lieutenant Reginald Barclay to improvise a way to manipulate the Ferengi into closing the fold before the crew of the USS Voyager was killed by the geodesic radiation. (VOY: "Inside Man")
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- Peterson (Captain)
| - Captain Peterson ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte im 24. Jahrhundert. 2377 ist er Captain der USS Carolina und erhält von Admiral Owen Paris den Befehl ein Ferengi-Raumschiff der D'kora-Klasse abzufangen, dass einen roten Riesen umkreist und plant eine geodätische Falte in den Delta-Quadranten zu öffnen. Dadurch soll die USS Voyager in den Alpha-Quadranten gelockt werden. Dies hätte allerdings den Tod der Crew zur Folge. Da die Carolina allerdings 0,7 Lichtjahre von dem Ferengischiff entfernt ist, kann sie das Schiff der Ferengi nicht rechtzeitig erreichen. Reginald Barclay improvisiert daher und kann die Voyager retten. (VOY: )
- Captain Peterson was the Starfleet officer in command of the USS Carolina in 2377. In that year, Peterson was ordered by Admiral Paris to intercept a Ferengi Marauder which had taken position near a red giant star and which was attempting to open a geodesic fold to the Delta Quadrant. However, as the Carolina was 0.7 light years away, they were unable to reach the Ferengi vessel in time, forcing Lieutenant Reginald Barclay to improvise a way to manipulate the Ferengi into closing the fold before the crew of the USS Voyager was killed by the geodesic radiation. (VOY: "Inside Man")
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| - Captain Peterson ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte im 24. Jahrhundert. 2377 ist er Captain der USS Carolina und erhält von Admiral Owen Paris den Befehl ein Ferengi-Raumschiff der D'kora-Klasse abzufangen, dass einen roten Riesen umkreist und plant eine geodätische Falte in den Delta-Quadranten zu öffnen. Dadurch soll die USS Voyager in den Alpha-Quadranten gelockt werden. Dies hätte allerdings den Tod der Crew zur Folge. Da die Carolina allerdings 0,7 Lichtjahre von dem Ferengischiff entfernt ist, kann sie das Schiff der Ferengi nicht rechtzeitig erreichen. Reginald Barclay improvisiert daher und kann die Voyager retten. (VOY: )
- Captain Peterson was the Starfleet officer in command of the USS Carolina in 2377. In that year, Peterson was ordered by Admiral Paris to intercept a Ferengi Marauder which had taken position near a red giant star and which was attempting to open a geodesic fold to the Delta Quadrant. However, as the Carolina was 0.7 light years away, they were unable to reach the Ferengi vessel in time, forcing Lieutenant Reginald Barclay to improvise a way to manipulate the Ferengi into closing the fold before the crew of the USS Voyager was killed by the geodesic radiation. (VOY: "Inside Man") This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
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