The Devouring Earth are a group of monsters bent on destruction. Created by a God-like super-being known as the Hamidon, the Devouring Earth are a series of creatures based upon plants and Earth-like formations that are completely focused upon the destruction of human kind on the bidding of their creator. The legions of Devouring Earth spawn from plant-like creatures to the Devoured: humans converted into grotesque monstrosities. The minions of the Devouring Earth use thorns, vines, stone, crystal and poisons to cause as much mayhem and destruction as they can, replacing the overtaken lands they dominate with organic extensions, trees and other forms of forestry and earth. The most fearsome of the Devouring Earth soldiers are the Devoured, humans mutated from their 'festering' human forms
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| - The Devouring Earth are a group of monsters bent on destruction. Created by a God-like super-being known as the Hamidon, the Devouring Earth are a series of creatures based upon plants and Earth-like formations that are completely focused upon the destruction of human kind on the bidding of their creator. The legions of Devouring Earth spawn from plant-like creatures to the Devoured: humans converted into grotesque monstrosities. The minions of the Devouring Earth use thorns, vines, stone, crystal and poisons to cause as much mayhem and destruction as they can, replacing the overtaken lands they dominate with organic extensions, trees and other forms of forestry and earth. The most fearsome of the Devouring Earth soldiers are the Devoured, humans mutated from their 'festering' human forms
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| - The Devouring Earth are a group of monsters bent on destruction. Created by a God-like super-being known as the Hamidon, the Devouring Earth are a series of creatures based upon plants and Earth-like formations that are completely focused upon the destruction of human kind on the bidding of their creator. The legions of Devouring Earth spawn from plant-like creatures to the Devoured: humans converted into grotesque monstrosities. The minions of the Devouring Earth use thorns, vines, stone, crystal and poisons to cause as much mayhem and destruction as they can, replacing the overtaken lands they dominate with organic extensions, trees and other forms of forestry and earth. The most fearsome of the Devouring Earth soldiers are the Devoured, humans mutated from their 'festering' human forms and spliced into the eco-terrorizing monsters that the Hamidon envisions as the "true inhabitants" of the Earth. The Hamidon itself is protected by its greatest minions, giant monsters that patrol the Hamidon's lair of 'Eden', destroying anything and everything that potentially poses a threat to their master. In the hero zones you can find levels 25-27 in Talos Island, Independence Port and Terra Volta. Up to level 40 can be found in Founders' Falls, Croatoa, Crey's Folly and all over Eden. In Peregrine Island you can find levels 41-43 on the southern docks and levels 48-50 on the northern islands. They are all over The Hive at levels 48 and above.
is Enemies
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