| - The wordy, intellectual, and cynical half of the Penny Arcade duo, when the characters of Gabe and Tycho first diverged Tycho was something of the Straight Man to Gabe's more wild enthusiasm. However, he quickly developed into a character as strange if not stranger. Tycho is known for his love of literature and wordplay, his overwritten fantasy series Epic Legends of the Hierarchs: The Elemenstor Saga, his *ahem* love of animals, and his deep knowledge of horrors that man was not meant to know.
| - The wordy, intellectual, and cynical half of the Penny Arcade duo, when the characters of Gabe and Tycho first diverged Tycho was something of the Straight Man to Gabe's more wild enthusiasm. However, he quickly developed into a character as strange if not stranger. Tycho is known for his love of literature and wordplay, his overwritten fantasy series Epic Legends of the Hierarchs: The Elemenstor Saga, his *ahem* love of animals, and his deep knowledge of horrors that man was not meant to know.
* Author Avatar: For Jerry Holkins, but was not originally intended as such.
* Deadpan Snarker
* Fetish: Has expressed attraction to numerous things: giraffes, jellyfish, and whatever's at ColdTurkeys.com. More specifically, he's said he's attracted to long, slender necks, of the sort you can't usually find on humans.
* Flat Earth Atheist: A noted atheist... despite the fact that Jesus Christ plays Mario Kart with Gabe regularly.
* Hilariously Abusive Childhood
* Humanoid Abomination: Maybe, maybe not. He seems to enjoy cultivating that appearance, and his eyes subtly glow red when he's particularly angry, not to mention his infamously disturbing speech in "I Hope You Like Text"...
* Jerkass
* Killer Game Master: Attempting to impart his wisdom onto Gabe, nonetheless.
* Though it turns out he hasn't actually run a game since junior high because of his Killer Game Master reputation.
* Named After Somebody Famous: Tycho Brahe was also a 16th century Danish astronomer.
* Nightmare Fetishist: God yes. He longs for the day when games include Starfish Aliens and Eldritch Abominations as romance options.
* Oh, and we're not told what his heart's desire is... just that acquiring it would be enough to damn Jesus to hell.
* Red Eyes, Take Warning: His eyes turn red when he gets really angry. He may be an Eldritch Abomination of some sort...
* Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Frequent. In the Penny Arcade card game, there is an attack of his that deals damage based on the number of letters in a given card.