| - This series of dreams seems to have more significance than the random flashes of me fleeing Stratholme, which are what I usually dream of. I have recorded them here so that I do not forget any detail. These differ from my usual dreams, in that I could not control them. I knelt beside the body of a man with brown hair. His black armor sports the crest of a red falcon. He was dead, and tears were running down my face.I heard myself whisper to a shadowed figure across the room, full of sorrow. "Why?" Finally, I saw a flash of a small rowboat, headed for what I believe was Caer Darrow.
| - This series of dreams seems to have more significance than the random flashes of me fleeing Stratholme, which are what I usually dream of. I have recorded them here so that I do not forget any detail. These differ from my usual dreams, in that I could not control them. I knelt beside the body of a man with brown hair. His black armor sports the crest of a red falcon. He was dead, and tears were running down my face.I heard myself whisper to a shadowed figure across the room, full of sorrow. "Why?" That dream faded quickly, and I heard a deep, chill-sounding voice cry out, "We have been discovered, my brothers! Flee, and continue with the operation!" Finally, I saw a flash of a small rowboat, headed for what I believe was Caer Darrow. I have been searching through Stormwind's library for any sign of a noble house, or some sort of organization with a red falcon symbol, but it has so far proved in vain. As soon as I am able, I shall journey to Caer Darrow, and search the ruins for more clues. This last flash of a memory was interrupted by one of those...What did the priests call them? Oh yes. Seizures.Luckily, I was able to drink the tincure prepared for me before the seizures kicked in full swing. But, as always, answers only lead to more questions...