| - The Catholic Justicial Party, while being in origin based on Catholic teaching, is a Christian democratic party which strives for a society of good moral decency, a compromise between the free market and the State, and a well-defended but peace-loving nation. [Description from CJP Manifesto]. It was founded around the year 2340. By the year 2363 (the time of writing), it held three cabinet portfolios and the party leader, Eva Markovic, was the Luthori head of government.
| - The Catholic Justicial Party, while being in origin based on Catholic teaching, is a Christian democratic party which strives for a society of good moral decency, a compromise between the free market and the State, and a well-defended but peace-loving nation. [Description from CJP Manifesto]. It was founded around the year 2340. By the year 2363 (the time of writing), it held three cabinet portfolios and the party leader, Eva Markovic, was the Luthori head of government. In August 2373, the party suddenly split into two tendencies: the majority, calling itself Solidarity, and led by Eva Markovic; and a splinter group, called Progress, led by Petre Solomon, which espoused more 'liberal' social values and economic policies. A vast majority of CJP members, over 95%, remained loyal to Solidarity and the party leader. As a result, the CJP has added 'Solidarity' to its title, to indicate a continuation of the mainstream party. (It is unlikely that 'CJP - Progress' will, or is even able to, contest any elections. It will probably remain a mere pressure group for the forseeable future). In the elections for Imperial Viceroy in 2379, the CJP candidate Angela de Valera was elected with the backing of the Luthori Tory Party and Imperium et Libertas.