| - Dan-Ball was created and currently run by three people, commonly referred to collectively as the Dan-Ball Webmasters, the Webmasters, or simply "They". These three Webmasters are ha55ii, Tylor, and otascube. Each Webmaster has their own section within the page titled "Profile," which lists each webmaster's nickname, blood type, profession, hobby, favourite games, and a link to a social media page. When a Webmaster uses the Comment Boards, the text "webmaster" will appear beside their nicknames in a small font to prevent impersonators.
| - Dan-Ball was created and currently run by three people, commonly referred to collectively as the Dan-Ball Webmasters, the Webmasters, or simply "They". These three Webmasters are ha55ii, Tylor, and otascube. Each Webmaster has their own section within the page titled "Profile," which lists each webmaster's nickname, blood type, profession, hobby, favourite games, and a link to a social media page. When a Webmaster uses the Comment Boards, the text "webmaster" will appear beside their nicknames in a small font to prevent impersonators. Webmasters have the ability to access the site's features that are unavailable to regular users, such as the updating of games, deletion of comments and accounts, and updating the text and appearance of the site. They can also edit their own comments after they post them. If a user is to create an account mimicking one of the Dan-Ball webmasters (ha55ii is the most frequently-impersonated webmaster) by changing a character into one of similar appearance (such as "ha5511 instead of ha55ii), the account will be deactivated swiftly, along with any uploads or posts on the comment boards the user has made.