| - The Rhana Dandra or "End of All Days" in the Eldar Lexicon, is the legendary final battle of the Eldar race against Chaos that will end with the destruction of both, as prophecied in Eldar mythology. An account of the battle is given in the sacred Eldar text called the Asuryata, which predicts the destruction of the Eldar and their remaining Gods in the battle. Through the Asuryata's verses, the Eldar learn the legends of the Phoenix Lords, the greatest warriors of their race. Each of the Phoenix Lords of the Aspect Shrines plays an important role, and their actions are reflected in the methods and approaches of the Aspects made in their image. It is Fuegan, the Phoenix Lord of the Fire Dragons, who will gather together the others of his kind for the final battle, and it is he who shall di
| - The Rhana Dandra or "End of All Days" in the Eldar Lexicon, is the legendary final battle of the Eldar race against Chaos that will end with the destruction of both, as prophecied in Eldar mythology. An account of the battle is given in the sacred Eldar text called the Asuryata, which predicts the destruction of the Eldar and their remaining Gods in the battle. Through the Asuryata's verses, the Eldar learn the legends of the Phoenix Lords, the greatest warriors of their race. Each of the Phoenix Lords of the Aspect Shrines plays an important role, and their actions are reflected in the methods and approaches of the Aspects made in their image. It is Fuegan, the Phoenix Lord of the Fire Dragons, who will gather together the others of his kind for the final battle, and it is he who shall die last of all, burning brightly until the final moment. It is said that Baharroth of the Swooping Hawks Aspect will also fall during this apocalyptic final battle. All Eldar secretly fear that the long foretold events of the Rhana Dandra will be played out within their lifetime. Given the portents of the Farseers, and the frequency with which the Phoenix Lords have been sighted in recent years, their fears may yet prove well placed. However, after this battle, it is prophesied that within the Infinity Circuits of the Eldar Craftworlds, the souls of all the surviving Eldar will merge to form a new God in the Warp -- Ynnead, the Eldar God of the Dead, who will be powerful enough to defeat Slaanesh once and for all and bring about the end of the reign of She Who Thirsts over the souls of the Eldar. After the Rhana Dandra, the Materium and the Immaterium will once more fuse into a single reality and a new Eldar race will be born to seek out a better destiny. It is unknown whether any of the other younger species will take part in the Rhana Dandra or even where it will occur, but it is a continuing and potent theme in Eldar mythology since the Fall. It is also rumoured by Eldar Outcasts that the oldest amongst them, Illic Nightspear, wanders the galaxy, pursuing some hidden agenda that his acolytes whisper is the only thing staving off the Rhana Dandra.