Commission Zero is a short action-packed anecdote written by MaximizedNOVA. The story follows two coming-of-age mercenaries who were both paired for the same Commission: Dyran, a light-hearted Bel'Tan , and Mysk, a determined Fire Emer. The setting is Kosh, Hongha , a fictional settlement that facilitates trade between Rishdel , Hongha , and Deldra. Commission Zero is split into five separate chapters, spanning nearly 13,000 words. The purpose of Commission Zero is to understand how Commissions work in The Protectorate, as well as insight into the lives under the economic system of Deldra.
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| - Commission Zero is a short action-packed anecdote written by MaximizedNOVA. The story follows two coming-of-age mercenaries who were both paired for the same Commission: Dyran, a light-hearted Bel'Tan , and Mysk, a determined Fire Emer. The setting is Kosh, Hongha , a fictional settlement that facilitates trade between Rishdel , Hongha , and Deldra. Commission Zero is split into five separate chapters, spanning nearly 13,000 words. The purpose of Commission Zero is to understand how Commissions work in The Protectorate, as well as insight into the lives under the economic system of Deldra.
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| - Commission Zero is a short action-packed anecdote written by MaximizedNOVA. The story follows two coming-of-age mercenaries who were both paired for the same Commission: Dyran, a light-hearted Bel'Tan , and Mysk, a determined Fire Emer. The setting is Kosh, Hongha , a fictional settlement that facilitates trade between Rishdel , Hongha , and Deldra. Commission Zero is split into five separate chapters, spanning nearly 13,000 words. The purpose of Commission Zero is to understand how Commissions work in The Protectorate, as well as insight into the lives under the economic system of Deldra.