Curse of the Pink Panther is a comedy film, the eighth installment of the Pink Panther series of films started by Blake Edwards in the early 1960s. The film was one of two produced concurrently following the death of the series' star, Peter Sellers. Whereas the previous film, Trail of the Pink Panther made use of unused footage of Sellers as Inspector Clouseau, Curse attempted to relaunch the series with a new lead, Ted Wass, as Sergeant. Clifton Sleigh, an equally incompetent police officer assigned to find the missing Inspector Clouseau. The film was a critical and commercial failure, however, Roger Moore, who cameoed at the end of the film as Clouseau, was praised for his comedic performance.
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| - Curse of the Pink Panther
| - Curse of the Pink Panther is a comedy film, the eighth installment of the Pink Panther series of films started by Blake Edwards in the early 1960s. The film was one of two produced concurrently following the death of the series' star, Peter Sellers. Whereas the previous film, Trail of the Pink Panther made use of unused footage of Sellers as Inspector Clouseau, Curse attempted to relaunch the series with a new lead, Ted Wass, as Sergeant. Clifton Sleigh, an equally incompetent police officer assigned to find the missing Inspector Clouseau. The film was a critical and commercial failure, however, Roger Moore, who cameoed at the end of the film as Clouseau, was praised for his comedic performance.
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| - Curse of the Pink Panther is a comedy film, the eighth installment of the Pink Panther series of films started by Blake Edwards in the early 1960s. The film was one of two produced concurrently following the death of the series' star, Peter Sellers. Whereas the previous film, Trail of the Pink Panther made use of unused footage of Sellers as Inspector Clouseau, Curse attempted to relaunch the series with a new lead, Ted Wass, as Sergeant. Clifton Sleigh, an equally incompetent police officer assigned to find the missing Inspector Clouseau. The film was a critical and commercial failure, however, Roger Moore, who cameoed at the end of the film as Clouseau, was praised for his comedic performance.