| - The Avatar preceding Korra. It was by his hand that Fire Lord Ozai was defeated and the Hundred Year War ended. He founded the United Republic of Nations, a land where the three remaining nations could flourish together, from former Fire Nation colonies. Most of the personality tropes he had in the first series still apply.
* The Ace
* Always Someone Better: Neither Tenzin nor Korra seem to believe they can live up to their father/predecessor's list of accomplishments.
* Badass: He quelled Yakone's threat to Republic City almost as quickly as it started.
* Badass Beard: A Lincoln-esque beard, in the style of Michael Dante Di Martino himself.
* Badass Cape
* Bald of Awesome
* Cast From Lifespan: Word of Bryke says that Aang's lifespan was shortened due to spending a century in a trance state, after being trapped in an iceberg. Otherwise he may have been able to live a lot longer.
* Embarrassing Nickname: Toph doesn't stop calling him "Twinkletoes" even though he's forty, much to his annoyance.
* Folk Hero
* Hero of Another Story: Not counting his actions in the original series, his fight against the villainous waterbender Yakone could probably fill a series all its own.
* Legendary in the Sequel: Aang's reputation looms so large that his son Tenzin and eventually Korra feel pressure to live up to and maintain his legacy.
* Our Founder: Has a massive statue in the bay, and his face is printed on the Yuan.
* Posthumous Character: Justified because Korra is his next incarnation in the world, and he cannot be alive when she is.
* Story-Breaker Power: As has often been the case with the Avatar. Aang is so powerful as an adult that the writers needed to make the villainous Yakone a bloodbender who, even when in handcuffs and lacking the power boost from a full moon, could still control an entire room full of people. Anything less and viewers were unlikely to believe Yakone was actually a threat to the Avatar.
* Wizards Live Longer: Subverted Trope; Aang only lived to 66, In the "Welcome to Republic City" adventure game, Korra explains: "all the time he spent in that iceberg caught up with him."