| - Tucked away in the hills of western Antonelle, the county of Mon Michel is primarily known for its strong industry and culture. The surrounding landscape is full of assorted clifftops and vistas, as well as a number of quarries that extract marble and granite to be exported across Antonelle and to the Capital Lands. The relative abundance of certain plants and minerals that are used in the creation of pigments, along with its gorgeous natural beauty has created an abundance of painters and other artists that call the county their home. It is also famous for a special variety of rose native to the region, which are cultivated en masse in the famed “Mon Michel Gardens” which have proven to draw tourists from all over the world for generations. Mon Michel is also famous for several freshwater springs that provide clean drinking water for its inhabitants that, according to legend have magical healing properties, although this rumor is unproven. It’s most notable city is Sanctum Springs, located at the foot of a great mountain near a lake fed by one of the many mountain springs. Sanctum Springs serves as the seat of power of House Bissette and a worldwide hotspot for painting, poetry, music, and most of all, floriculture. It is also home of the Alenthylian National Art Museum, which houses some of the most famous works of art in the known world.